Im so short XD

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Why am I so short compared to Vaneeda 😂😂😂😂😂

Valentines day is tomorrow!!!!!!! OMFLAPJACKS!! YAASS 😉

Congrats to Vaneeda for getting a valentine 👏
I've taught you well 😂 Jk.

Congrats to Vaneeda for getting a valentine 👏I've taught you well 😂 Jk

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I've been rejecting everyone 😂😂😂😂

Alright so, I honestly, feel really bad...right now. I got mad at someone for no reason but there must be a reason if I decided to 😕😂

Anywhale, that person is probs gonna see this and not understand 😂

Oh well, happy almost valentines day XD again 😂


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