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I know, I know that 'hmf' is what I usually say when I Have No words...
I know that you like her and I'm not trying to make things worse
But to make sure I don't say anything bad...
I have to prevent myself from getting mad...

How everything's the opposite?
The guy who loved this girl the most is now the guy who is come that guy who kept ruining their love is now the one to get all the attention?

I'm just here...thinking of a way to make life simple
But when there's a guy out there..lurking around to see a girl's nipple....

I just wanna die X~x

Valvor, I'm sorry that I'm ignoring you-scratch that-- that I'm 'trying' to ignore you. I have to, it's ....for a good reason.

Hmf, I had to say it.


Jay's DilemmasTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang