My 'boyfriend' and I GOT BRACES

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Yeah, the title...the title!!!


JK! I don't have BRACES, I was just joking XD

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JK! I don't have BRACES, I was just joking XD

JK! I don't have BRACES, I was just joking XD

Ops! Esta imagem não segue nossas diretrizes de conteúdo. Para continuar a publicação, tente removê-la ou carregar outra.


Ok srsly... this one really had to go. - Yknowww

Nah, I have BRACES XD I know I look horrifying but THEY ARE YELLOW AND THEY ARE BEAUTIFUL XD

If any of you are gonna be getting braces soon...THEY HURT SO FUDGING BAD!!!

Jk, you'll feel some pressure but you'll be fine XD and eating is SUPER hard...T.T MY nightmare...


The title also says 'my 'boyfriend". AND WAIT, I don't have a boyfriend, but this story Is about my.........old boyfriend (I could say ex, but that would make me sound vewy meaah)

It all started in our van, there are 14 of us and let's just say my old bf's name was Parker...that was kind of his name but it's not, it sound like that XD.

He would always fall asleep at the back and lie down in 4 seats and basically.....feel like a king.

I would always talk to this girl who was exactly my age but in a different grade, she dared me to stick a sticker on Parker's forehead while he was sleeping and THAT'S WHAT I DID XD

The next day he came into the van and started talking to my best've seen the pic of him XD so I heard him Say something like this
"I went home yesterday and found this panda sticker on my head"
I laughed cuz... y'know XD

He noticed me laughing so he asked me what was funny, I told him that I stuck that sticker on his very very very oily forehead XD (I'm joking, it wasn't oily XD)

He then started talking to me in the van everyday after that.

One day, some kid wanted to play truth or dare so all of us turned our heads around and started playing.

people got off and there was only 4 people left on the van, it was Parker's turn and he asked me who would I rather be boyfriend and girlfriend with, if I had to choose between him and this guy named....Matthew. I realised that he liked me at that moment so I said him....

After a few days he asked me out, we dated for a while XD
He would always give me a rose every Monday, WHICH WAS SO WEIRD!!! I gave those roses to the teachers tho :P he didn't mind either, he started doing the same.

We were an okay couple, I guess...He was actually one of the nicest guy I've ever met. Whenever we went to the mall to shop or watch a movie he always asked if I was cold or something, if I needed to pee XD or if I was hungry XD Yeah, he was really caring.

BUT, we broke up :P I broke up with usual, I always break up with the guy XD I broke up with him because I felt like I didn't like being in a relationship anymore and that he's always SO BUSY cuz he was in the soccer team and I hate WATCHING him play.

So yeah, a month later he started crushing on another girl and they started dating.

I didn't give a shiz :P or else why would I break up with him? XD

But I realised one thing....

If you break up with a guy and he immediately runs to the next girl who spreads her legs for him...HE IS A WASTE OF TIME

And....odds are...he's trying to make you jelly, so don't let him bring you down XD

I have never regretted breaking up with anyone cuz...they were all wasting my time :P

I'm happier being single XD it gives me time to see other things in life other than one guy's hard, hairy and easily erect-able penaynay.

I can never focus on a relationship, I'd always have an urge to breakup every 2 hours because...I just wanna live life and explore alone... Yeah.

Hope you guys understand me XD

Love you all to infinity and beyond~


Jay's DilemmasOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora