Lmao XD

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Lmao! Omg XD

"Vivre sans aimer n’est pas proprement vivre."

"To live without loving is to not really live."


Somethings just makes you feel like showing it to other people 😒 that didn't make sense.

I was gonna tell my dad to buy some grapes for me before he was going to the mall with my dad (the grocery story is in the ground floor even tho.. Its a mall)

And just at that moment when I was going to tell him I made this weird face. 😒 I was squinting my eyes, my mouth was partially open and my nostrils were flaring....BUT THE SNEEZE DIDNT COME OUT! I was like that for about a minute- breathing awkwardly for it to come out 😂😂

And my sister just started laughing so hard!  Man, it was embarrassing! But I'm pretty sure it has happened to everyone 💁

I don't know what to say now......


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