Chapter 5

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Selena's P.O.V


I woke up to my annoying alarm and I groaned out of sleepiness. I titled my head to my right so I could see what time it was. '9:00' it read.

I quickly got up and took my phone. I had 6 missed calls and 5 texts from Justin.

Jay: Good Morning babe .

Jay: Awww, is my baby asleep. Wake up babe Im lonely...

Jay: Baby WAKE UPPPPP!!!

Jay: Selena!!! Its 8:30!!! Please wake up. I dont wanna die as a loner..~T_T~

Jay: I miss you...

I couldn't help but laugh at his cuteness and I replied.

Selena: Sorry hun, i just woke up. You're so cute... miss you too..❤

As soon as I texted that I got a reply from Justin.

Jay: It's okay bae, I'll pick you up at 10. I wanna take you out

I replied with an ok and I hopped into the shower. I took a quick bath and I got dressed into a casual jeans and blouse and I did my make up. I finished my look by leaving my hair in its natural waves and I took my phone while I ran down the stairs.

As soon as I came downstairs I heard Taylor sing.

"The players gonna
play play play play play,
The haters gonna
Hate hate hate hate hate,
Im just gonna
Shake shale shake shake shake
Shake it off,
Shake it off!,"

"Whoa someone's having a good mood today," I said as I walked into the living room.

"Hey I didn't see you there," Taylor said as she looked up from her magazine.

"Dude, you have a perfect voice, why not go for an audition?," I said as I took a seat next to her.

"Nah, I'll think about it," she smiled "you look dressed Sel, is JB takin' you out?," she sais as she pointed at my outfit.

"Yeah, he's picking me up at 10," I smiled.

"Well, it's 9:55, he should be here by now," Taylor said as I got a text from Justin.

Jay: Hey babe, Im outside, c'mon

I smiled at the text and hugged Taylor good bye before I came out of the house.

"Hey Babe," Justin said as I got into the car.

"Hey" I said as I pecked his lips. as aoon as I put on my seat belt, Justin started driving.

"Jay, where are you taking me?," I asked.

"Somewhere you'd like" he says as he focused on the road "Don't worry, it wont take long babe".

"You know I don't do surprises, it gets me so hyper!" I whine

"Well, you have to deal with it," he smirks and stops the car. "We're here,"

I turned my head to the window and grinned as I saw the beach.

"You didn't tell me you're taking me to the beach! I dont have a bikini! ," I squeal.

"Hush hun, I have a private guest house here, follow me, I think I might have something you'll like," he says as he dragged me out of the car.

To be honest, the beach is my most favorite place on earth. Not only am I happy to be here, I'm really excited to dip into the water.

"Come on in gorgeous, " Justin says as he opens the front door to this huge mansion like guest house.

"Oh My God!," i say as I walk into the house. "Justin, this place is huge!," I squeal as I run inside the house making Justin chuckle.

"You haven't seen your room. come on I'll show you," he says as he intertwined our hands and walked up the stairs.

He then brought me in front on a door and opened it making my eyes go wide. The room was huge not to mention beautiful, it was painted in my favorite sky blue colour, it was furnished with all kinds of expensive furniture, there were big chandeliers hanging from the ceiling, a marble dressing table was on the corner of the room and the room had a big picture of me on top of the bed. It was simply amazing.

"C'mere, you haven't seen your closet yet," he said as he opened a walk-in closet and I gasped at the sight of all the different types of amazing clothes inside it.

"Justin, you did this all of me?," I asked him, disbelief writen in my eyes.

"The one and only you. After I met you Selena, I knew you were the one. I immediately bought over this place after knowing you loved beaches and I decorated this room just for you. It was meant to be yours," Justin explains.

I lean over him. His lips inches away from mine. "I love you so much," I say and crash my lips on his as he kissed back. "Me too baby girl, I'll wait outside and you get dressed okay?," he smiled. "Sure babe," I said as he walked out the door, closing it behind him.

I turned to my closet and took out a purple leather bikini and put it on me as I put one of my oversized shirts and my sweat pants on top of my bikini and walked to the dressing table to apply some of my water proof make up such as mascara and foundation. After I was done, I tied my hair into a ponytail add walked out the door and saw Justin sitting on the couch of our upstair living room, watching television

"Justin?," he looked at me and smiled. "Ready?," he asked and I nodded. He took my hand in his and we walked out of the house. We then went to the beach and for our luck paparazzi was no where to be found.


"Justin! Let me down," I said as Justin carried me bridal style and he laughed "Let me go!," I screamed again.

"As you wish," he said letting go as I collided with the ice cold water. I got back up, catching my breath as I saw Justin laughing hysterically.

"Oh you're doomed!," I got on my feet and started chasing him.

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