Chapter 12

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Justin's POV

2 months later

"You ready?," I asked Ariana who was in her red graduation outfit and hat as she smiled widely at me before nodding furiously.

We were currently waiting on the stage as the red curtains in front of us, covered our presence making us totally invisible to the people on the other side. We could hear people coming in and talking about how excited they are to see their kids graduate. And yes, finally we are gonna get out of this Hell Hole!!- I mean, High school. As you can see today is our graduation day. We finally get to graduate High school and head off to college. Which is a good thing, since both me and Ariana love the idea of majoring music and we get to be in the same college as well. So, no matter what we do after this graduation, we still will be together. Yeah, I've been posting video's of me singing in YouTube, but nobody's noticed me yet, so I guess this is my chance to get trained professionally before entering the music industry with my soon to be girlfriend. Oh, and if you're thinking me and Ariana are together now, well sorry to burst your bubble, cause its a huge NO. Well not yet actually. I am having feelings for the girl but which guy has guts to say? I am only planning to tell her after the graduation maybe. If I have guts though. I've also already bought all the things necessary.

"Are you kidding? I was born ready!!," she jumped as I chuckled "I hope my parents are here though. And even Frankie. He said he'd be busy but I really really really really reallyyyyy wish he will be here," she squeezed her eyes shut as she continued crapping about how she missed her brother since he will be away most of the times.

I nodded at her as she continued talking about how angry she'd be if her family didn't turn up, as I slightly shifted the curtain away, only to see if her family members were here yet. I smiled as I noticed Frankie and her parents arrive before shifting my gaze back to my little angel.

"Hey Ana," I cut her off midway as she looked at me with her puppy dog eyes


"I guess your family is her-,"

"REALLY?? WHERE?!," she pounced on me, squeezing out the little air that I got, as she scanned the whole hall for her family. She then squealed out of no where and started giggling out of happiness. I guess she found her family . "Hey Jay! They came!!," she squealed as she looked back at me. As much as I wanted to smile at her and yank her into a kiss, I couldn't. Because Number 1: I didn't ask her to be officially mine yet and Number 2: I was almost a deflated balloon. If this girl doesn't get off me in a few seconds, I may die due to suffocation.

"T-hats g-reat doll... N-ow please g-et o-ff me p-p-lease. I would be d-ying soon if y-ou don't," I asked through my breath as she looked down at her position and jumped off immediately. I caught my breath and looked back to her with a smirk. Hopefully, I wasn't looking like some kind of red apple due to the loss of oxygen.

"sorry bout that," she giggled before her face turned crimson red making me chuckle at her cuteness.

"Okay places students. We're about to begin," Mrs Stewart said as all the students walked into their respective lines.

Lucky for me, my baby was right in front of me, so we both could see us get graduated. Hopefully my family is here too. I was too caught up on her family, I didn't even check to see if mine came. But since they would never miss an annual parent-teacher meeting, i guess they wouldn't miss this either.

The curtains slid open, revealing all the guests- well parents of all students as they grinned while some cheered. Mrs. Stewart walked to the front of the stage with a microphone. She smiled at all the people in front of her as she looked back to us.

"Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the annual graduation ceremony of the seniors of class 2011," She announced as the guests cheered in happiness. "Today we celebrate and acknowledge the handwork and commitment that all these students have shown over their years in High school as they are finally getting their leave from their schooling years and off to their college or university to achieve their life goals. As a teacher for these group of students, I feel very happy and proud that they have achieved this far in their lives," she turned to us "I hope you will achieve more and strive harder for a bright future," she smiled earning a nod from all of us. "Now, I would like to start the ceremony without further a due," she looked at the list of names in a paper she was holding and back to the audience.

She started calling out names of many students who have achieved very high grades and she was about to call Ariana in a few minutes. Ariana turned her head to look at me, a mixture of fear and nervousness evident in her eyes.

"I'm scared," she whispered "What if I screw up?,"

"Ana, you ain't gonna screw up just by going there and taking a certificate," I comforted with a slight smirk "Besides, there's nothing to be afraid of... We've seen Mrs. Stewart in the worst of times and I think this is not that type of time. Today's our day now go out there like the brave kitten you are," I held her hand as she smiled widely.

"Ariana Grande," A voice boomed making Ariana turn to look at Mrs. Stewart who genuinely smiled at her.

"Go get em tigress," I whispered as she beamed with happiness and a bit of pride. Well maybe a lot...

She walked up to the stage, smiling widely as she got hold of her certificate. Mrs. Stewart whispered a 'congratulations' to her as she nodded with a smile before whispering 'thank you' back to her. I looked at her in complete adoration as she turned back to look at me with a huge smile as she mouthed 'I did it' and did a goofy face. I chuckled at her cuteness and made a goofy face back to her.

"And next up on line is our school's most talented student who has helped us win in ice hockey for 5 years straight. Ladies and gentlemen, let's welcome our school's Ice Hockey Captain, Justin Bieber," she smiled as I walked up to her. I heard my mum's happy scream, and that confirms my family is here too. I smiled at Mrs. Stewart as I got my certificate while she whispered congratulations. the same gesture that she followed with all students which I find completely normal.

After we got our certificates, we were allowed to go see our parents, which is what I did. I ran up to my mum and dad as they received me with a warm hug. They all looked very happy to see their son finally finish high school and enter college soon.  Honestly, believe me when I say I am very happy to leave this place too.

"Oh my god, my baby is all grown up! My little ju-ju just graduated," my mum hugged me as I flushed red

"Yeah mum I know," I said pulling out of the hug "Just please stop calling me ju-ju," she gasped

"Never in a million years," she said looking offended "even if you're 83 and I'm alive to see you die, I will still call you ju-ju," she said making my eyes grow wide

"You plan to see me die before you?," I said shocked

"Well yeah," she shrugged as I playfully rolled my eyes. Pattie is always Pattie.

"Oh my god Justin!," I heard a familiar voice as I turned around only to be pounced on.

"Hey Ana," I smiled as I looked down at her.

"We finally graduated!!," she squealed as I nodded "We should totally celebrate," she smiled widely

"Or maybe on your birthday," my mum interrupted. Well if you're guessing... My mum and Ariana have been very close after I let her meet Ana after our second date. They've been close ever since and they are definitely getting closer by the minute.

"Her birthday?," I turned to look at my mum as Ana still clung on to me.

"Yeah her birthday," She said "It's next week Justin. June 26.. Remember?," she asked me as I tuned to look at Ariana who glared at me with her hands crossed.

"Wellll Ju-ju?," Ariana questioned "Do you remember??,"

"Aww don't call me that," I  whined "And of course I remember. you're turning 18 right fuzzball?," I said as she nodded before getting off of me with a sly smirk of achievement.

"I hope my present will wow me Bieber," she playfully sassed before walking towards my mother making me chuckle.

"It will my lady... It will,"

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