Chapter 6

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Selena's POV

"What do you mean your parents are gonna meet me?!?!," I screeched at Justin

"It means the people who gave birth and raised me are gonna meet you,"

"I knew what IT MEANT Justin!," I paced in his bedroom.

"Oh relax... it's not like the whole world is gonna collapse," he got up from his bed and towered in front if me "besides they won't bite either,"

"This ain't time for jokes Bieber. I'm freaking out here," I glared at him

"Selena, they're just my parents. I'm a part of each of them. You're great with me and I'm sure you'll be the same with them,"

"I know, I know... but what if I screw up or what if I-,"

"Now that's enough, don't stress over it. Just be yourself and I promise they'll love you," He held my hand

"Alright. So when are they coming?," I smiled at him as I started building a little confidence to face my boyfriend's parents.

"Tonight," he said as my eyes went wide.

I kept replaying his words in my head to make sure what I heard was right. Tonight. I kept repeating Justin's lip movement in slow motion in my head as he uttered that word and all the confidence that I merely managed to build up went crashing down to the deep pits of hell. This was all it took for me to go back to a major break down.

"Excuse me, they're coming TONIGHT?!!?!?!," I screamed and held on to Justin's collar and started rattling him as if he was some kind of toy maracas as his eyes went wide. Welcome to 'The Crazy Selena World'  "How could it be tonight? Why didn't you tell me this earlier?!?!," I let go of his collar as his face went blue and i started yanking on my hair while I turned to face the wall "What if I mess up and they hate me... No no no, it can't be today Ju-,"

"reeeeelllaaaxxxxxxx," he held on to my shoulders "Like I said Selena Marie Gomez, be yourself. Now stop worrying and c'mon," he walked towards the door.

"Where are we headed to?,"

"The store, don't tell me you're not gonna do a little shopping to meet you future father and mother-in-law,"

"I like the sound of that," I smirked and walked towards him "but I didn't bring my purse-," the next thing I know, I was slammed against the wall with  my boyfriend right infront of me as he caged me with both his hands, blocking my only way out of his dominant presence.

"Now why do you have a boyfriend for?," he whispered

"To cuddle and love?," he chuckled

"yes and also to buy you

whatever you want. Remember, I'm here to spoil you by buying all the things in the world for you,"

"But I don't want people to think I'm using you for your money Justin," I said as he looked into my eyes and smiled

"Baby you can do no wrong, my money is yours and I'll give you a little more because I love ya. Make that a lot more. who else am I gonna spoil and shower my love to?,"

"The neighbor?," I smirked as his eyed wen wide

"She's 65!,"

"Oh really, so if she was 18 would you leave me for her?," I argued as he shook his head furiously.

"Nope, you're mine to keep no matter what, now let's go," he pecked my lip before holding my hand and leading us out of the room.


"Selena you've been in there for 10 solid minutes, get out here or I'll knock myself in there," Justin yelled from outside the dressing room as I sighed.

My famous boyfriend, Justin Drew Bieber was being a total arse by giving me these time limits to put on these dresses. Firstly, I'm a girl, I ain't gonna put on a dress in this darn dressing room without taking a selfie and sending it to one of my besties to gain comments. Honestly, Who else is gonna give me feedback about my choice of clothing to impress both my boyfriend and his parents. Justin can be good at spoiling me but he sucks at shopping outfits for me. And let me say this is the 20th dress Justin's picked out for me and as usual I didn't like it that much. Not to be mean or anything, I love Justin but not the clothing he picks out for me. Yeah he did a huge walk in closet for me and all in his guest house but the clothing in there was picked by his friend's girlfriends but of course he payed. He mostly picks stuff which is very revealing and well it's not my type.

I looked at the mirror in front of me and I sort of looked  like a Donkey and a zebra put together in this dress. It was a black  furry dress with white glittered stripes. Nah, not gonna happen. I walked out of the dressing room, so Justin could see the disaster for himself. As I walked out of the room Justin's eyes widen and he snickered. Well that was really polite..

"Justin this dress sucks," I said as he walked to me "I look like a donkey and a zebra put together. Can I please choose my dress myself now?," I whined as he chuckled.

"I got this last one. Just check it out," He said as he held up a beautiful black dress. I honestly fell in love with the dress and I was surprised How Justin could pull of such a beautiful dress. " Go put it on," He gave me the dress and I walked back in to the dressing room to try it on. As I wore it I couldn't help but think how much it cost. It looked very expensive.

"Sel, you done," he said as I walked out of the dressing room with a smile on my face and he went wide eyed.

"Sel, you done," he said as I walked out of the dressing room with a smile on my face and he went wide eyed

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"Selena, you look gorgeous," he said as he pulled me in for a hug "My parents are gonna love you,"

"Thank you Jay. Thanks to my lovable boyfriend," I smiled "But hey how did you manage to finally choose the perfect dress?," I looked at him astonished

"I need perfect things for my perfect girl,"

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