Chapter 19

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3rd Person's POV

"Grab the knife,  its on the side, " Ashley guides us as we step in front of the table,  face to face with a triple decker white cake. Feels like a wedding already.

Ariana and Justin nod at her before grabbing the knife together and cut the cake as everyone screames 'Happy Anniversary!!! '. Once Justin takes a slice of cake out,  he feeds half of it to Ariana and she does the same to Justin. Plates were handed out with slices of cakes to the guests and they slowly made their way to the buffet table. 

"This has been a nice day Jay, " Ariana says as she feeds a fork full of cake from her plate to Justin. A habbit of the couple that they always do. They often cook up food and Ariana would feed the two of them. The habbit became a usual thing between the two of them till they take one plate of food and share it even in public. There was no limitations to their love.

"It could get better too ya know?,"

"And how would that be Mr. Bieber?, "

"Oh you wait and watch Ms. Grande, " he smirks and she gives him a questioning look "alright,  you really need to excuse me. I need to go to the loo, " she giggles at his statmenet and nods.

Justin runs off into the house in search of Nick. His pulse rate picking up by the minute. He runs into the kitchen while calling out to Nick but to his luck Nick wasnt there. Justin continues running up and down the house like a headless chicken. He runs up the stairs and knocks on each door while calling out Nick's name. Frustrated,  Justin leans beside a closed door and thugs on his hair before screaming Nicks name one last time,  before the door next to him bursts open,  hitting him right in the face.

"Justin?, " Nick says as he walks out of the room. "That's weird,  I though I heard him calling me. Justin?  Ohhhh Juuussstttiiinnnn,"

"I'm behind the door you prick, " Justin says with his hand coverd over his face. Justin mentally curses his friend for pulling such a thing off. He can't be proposing to his girlfriend with  bloody or broken nose right?

"Behind this?," Nick asks and pulls the door away as he stares at Justin,  sitting on the floor with his face covered with his hands. "How'd you- ohhhhhh- ouch- sorry bout tha-, "

"Put a sock in it and tell me if I have  bloody nose, " Justin says and takes his hands away from his face. Nick's face scrunches up before he starts laughing hard,  almost rolling on the floor.

"What the heck you laughing at?, " Justin get on his feet and walks to the bathroom across of him. Staring at the mirror in horror,  he notices his hair was in a mess a red eye and bloody nose. At least he was right about his nose being busted... Nick appers through the bathroom door with a small smile but it soon faded away after seeing his best friend's state. How was he to face his girlfriend like this?  He looks like a hyena that came back from the dead.

"Jus-, "

"Quick,  get Ashley's make up!, "


"Where is he?  It's been an hour since he went to the bathroom and he still hasn't come back, " Ariana says on the edge of tears.

"Its okay,  he'll be-, " her phone cuts her off and she picks it up from the table before showing Ariana her index finger, indicating her that she'll be a minute as she answered it.

"Really?  Okay. Yeah bye, " she ends the call and looks back at Ariana.  "It was my friend Jamie. No big deal but c'mon I've got something to show you, "

"What is it?, "

"Just follow me will ya?," Ashley says and Ariana nods before getting up and walking with Ashley.

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