Chapter 2: Neighbours?

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Dans Pov:
Maybe I can find her when the mail gets here, they all come at the same time, right? I sure hope so. It come tomorrow at, um... 1pm? Yea, around that time. Until then, maybe Phil and I can go somewhere.
"Yes Dan?"
"Can we do something? I'm bored and need to get my mind away from this existential crisis."
"Why not, want to go get a coffee or something?"
"I could use that, I'm quite tried from stalking."
"I can tell, your bags got a deeper shade of purply red."
"Let's-a-go!" He grabs my wrist and we venture on into the city. We take the tube and walk around until we find the magical Starbucks that I am ever so craving right now. *notification noise*
Hm? What's this. I pull out my phone to see that (Y/N) has posted a video. I'll probably watch it later, I forgot my headphones... These dark and tragic days!
Your PoV:
"Come 'er" my accent slips in. I've gotten more of a British accent but I grew up in California so I have a mixed accent. Unlike (BFF/N) full on British accent after living here.
"Haha 'er' (Y/N) your California is slipping!"
"We should go on a trip soon. I miss surfing and skating, and concerts without snow."
"What about Astro?"
"He can come with us, I would never leave my puppy behind!"
"Won't he be hot, he's an Australian Shepard for crying out loud!"
"Blah blah blah, do you still have you know whose number?"
"I would never loose it."
"Call him! I think they're gonna be there sometime soon. I miss them." I fake pout. It's been a long time since we've hung out with Luke, my best friends best friend. I lived in Australia for a three years because my mom/dad had a business thing and I grew up with the band 5 seconds of summer. They give me free tickets to them, all time low, and so many others. Though I get tickets for other reasons to, Luke just likes to spoil me. I must have been drifting off into space because (BFF/N) was waving their hand in my face.
"Wat. Sorry" I ask dump founded.
"They are touring now."
"Yea I know."
"And they said we should join them for the last few concerts!"
"Holy shit. Give me his number so I can thank 'em"
"Shut up," I say sadly, but jokingly of course.
"Want to tell the fans or keep it a surprise."
"I can tweet a tease," I wiggle my eyebrows
"Done and done!"
I immediately get out my phone and tweet 'Hey guys, I have a huge surprise in 2 weeks! I may get to meet more of you •-•' post.
*twitter notification*
Hmmm what's this? I pull out my phone and it says, 'danisnotonfire started following you' who's this?
"Whose danisnotonfire?"
"I think he's a youtuber but I don't remember if I've ever stalked him."
"He follows me on Twitter."
"I'm not as crazy as you. Plus I don't need another obsession that I will never be able to have!"
"Fine. I'll stalk him."
"Yay!" I leave the room, I'm going to check the mail then, maybe, go to my P.O. box and walk around town. Yea, I'll do that. I grab my phone.
'Hey guys I'm going out of the house, for once, so if any of you want to meet, I'll be by Big Ben later today' I get retweets and comments that these people want to meet, I'll bring some free merch.
I guess I can head out once I get changed(see pic). I'm really hungry, let's see what's around?
Oh! I want tacos. I know it's not quite lunch yet but still, I want tacos.
I walk to a taco shop near my shopping centre.
"Three tacos please" I say up to the man.
"I know you come here to often (Y/N). Water bottle to right?"
"Of course" I wink at him. He's really cute, he's gotta be at least 20, I'm 19.
"So, you got time? I have a break now." He comes out with five tacos and a burrito.
"Why not!" He knows I'm silly and enthusiastic and just plain crazy.
"Haha okay, we can go in the back, I know your well know."
"Yea you don't need to get any hate."
"How do you deal with hate?"
"I just know people are hurting but there are more out there who love me and my work, not just the job I'm working towards, but the one I have now."
"How much do you make?"
"Well I'm a YouTube partner, and I get like 700,000-1,000,000 per video so I get about 54,000 a week, but that's just me. With (BFF/N) we earn about 100,000+ a week"
"Really?! That's amazing!"
"How old are you? I've never gotten your age."
"Well, Pj, I'm 19."
"Oh, I'm 22." (I don't know his age so can you help me? Thanks).
"I have to go now, my fans want to meet."
"Okay, bye." I kiss him on the cheek and leave.
I'm walking around town until I reach a coffee shop. I want an iced tea now... LETS-A-GO!
"Hi, can I get a passion fruit iced tea?"
"Oh, hello (Y/N) long time no see."
"It's been a week John."
"But your like my main costumer! You bring in buisness and your cute!"
"Thanks John, your not to bad yourself" I wink. I'm very flirty okay!
"One iced tea, my lady," he bows.
"Thanks John," I kiss his cheek and leave. This is so good gahhhhh.
After, what, twenty minutes of walking I make it to Big Ben, and I see fans. How do I know? They have fox hats of or bracelets.
They all turn around and I'm engulfed in a huge group hug.
"Omg you actually showed up!" A fan boy said.
"I would never miss a chance too meet fans!"
"So what's the surprise?!?!" They all seem to ask at once.
"Well.... ITS A SURPRISE! You'll just have to wait!" I wink. "Okay, who wants free merch?!"
I hang with fans for hours talking and giving advice, letting them see my scars of I can see theirs, talking about how much they matter. And, some, I kissed. I mean, I'm bi, so I want to do everything to make every fan of mine happy and stay, they mean a lot to me. Most had left, accept for two, who had a bag with them.
"We wanted to give these to you. You saved us both from harm and death, please take these as gifts and so others for us to be happy again, which you have made us. I start tearing up and hug the fans and kiss their cheek, until they move and it's an actual kiss, well, not an actual actual kiss, I put my thumbs on their lips and then kiss there. This is how I always end up missing fans, a cheek kiss to full kiss. I do love them, and I'm happy they're here but they are just as crazy as me.
"Do you guys want to come back with me, you waited for so long and I have to be getting home or (BFF/N) will be getting mad."
"We'd love to!" They jump around excitedly, and we all start walk. I walk in and see them fan girling, and it's not over me. I turn around to see them getting pictures with two guys, and damn are they tall.
"Omg Dan, Phil, and (Y/N)! We got to meet all of you today." I see the one with brown eyes look straight at me.
"Hi" I wave at them. Who are these people?
"Hi" he says, I hear nervousness in his voice.
"I'm Phil, and this is Dan" the one with blue eyes, or Phil, says.
"Well, it's nice meeting ya' but I've gotta check on (BFF/N) and Astro, but ya' can come along." Immediately my fans scream and say
"ACCENT MALFUNCTION" and we all laugh.
"Come on I'll show ya' the way." I wave my hand so they can follow. We reach my door and both Dan and Phil's eyes widen.
"Whut?" I ask dumfounded.
"We live above you!"
"Oh, you're they really loud people!"
"You can be loud too!" Phil says.
"At least I leave cookies as an apology"
"Why yes, yes I am" I stick my tongue out. Our fans are giggling hard in the background. "Why don't we all go in!" I open the door and I just see (BFF/N) on his/her chair all weirdly.
"(Y/N)! I didn't know we were having guests, I would have tried to look nice!"
"Well to bad!" I shout at her. "I've got an Xbox, wanna play?" Why is my accent disappearing! Its all Californian and Australian. Loosing my British. My fans are laughing loudly over something.
"I'll be right back, I've gotta grab my controllers" I get nods in response.
"(BFF/N) help me I'm don't know what to do! This is really awkward?!" I whisper shout at him/her.
"Well I started stalking and that's the guy you kissed at the market." He/she states plainly.
"Wait what?!" I almost choke on the chip I was eating.
"Yep, he's being all 'Heart Eyes Howell' with you."
"What's that?"
"Oh you'll see..." He/she says mysteriously then leaves. I grab my controllers and food and we all start playing. It's finally 4 and the fans have to leave. Maybe I can try to get to know my obnoxious neighbours.
Dans PoV:
She's my neighbour!? I KNEW IT! She's super cute and kind, and my existential crisis just keeps getting bigger. I must be drifting off, because Phil's hands are in my face.
"We've been asking what you wanted for dinner," he states.
"Anything's fine"
"I'll make gumbo!" (Y/N) says as adorable as ever
"What's that?"
"A Louisiana delicacy, my dad taught me to make it when I lived in California"
"Did you travel a lot?"
"Yep" she pops the p.
"I'm up for trying something new" Phil smiles.
"How long will it take?"
"We should be stuffin' our faces my 8." What! 4 hours?!
"Okay," my voice drifts off. I look around to see its just me and Phil and we just keep chatting, mainly about what to do for our next videos for our channels. I wonder if she know about me following her. Do I seem like a stalker?! Phil sees the worry in my eye and try's calming me down. It's clearly not working, this is one hell of a bad existential crisis. I'm going to be home in the corner of my room thinking about how she'll never be mine. But I want her so badly. She so cute, for her laugh to smile, and he knowledge and cooking. I hope she gets more popular, she has 2 million subscribers. I love how her accent changes. I really must have drifted off because I began to look at my surroundings, but it's just her cute face. She crouching down trying to hand me the soup like food.
"Huh? Oh, sorry, I drifted off into my own thought."
"I do that a lot... Here's your gumbo!" She smiles. She has such pearly teeth.
"Thanks..." I smile back. I take a small bite and it's delicious. Everyone must have noticed I liked it as it was gone in mer minutes. Phil must have liked it too, his was gone soon after mine.
"Want seconds?" (Y/N) giggles.
"We'd love some!"
"Comin' right up!" She grabs our bowls and gets more. When she gets back she changes the show we were watching to doctor who, and we all get so lost in the show and food, the next time I check my watch it was 12am.
"It's midnight and the phans expect a new video soon!"
"You guys have a YouTube too?"
"Yep, but we've gotta go. Thanks for the food, maybe we can spend tomorrow together too?" She blushes at my statement and nods.
"Can't wait," she gets up and leads us out, kissing our cheeks as we left. Her lips are so soft, just like at the market.
"Bye, hope to see you soon" she beams up at us. She so cutely small. I could just wrap her in a hug. And that's what I do, she hugs first then says,...
A/n: I'm evil I know. Cliff hangers! This is a long ass chapter so don't expect my next ones to be a long. Message me suggestions and I'll add them in! Love ya'

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