Chapter 18: I Forgave Him

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Your POV:

The plane ride was long and boring, but I got all my editing done and saw Dan and Phil had each posted their videos. Jaken was asleep on my shoulder when I posted my video, and his phone went ding, telling me he had notifications on for me. The plane had just landed and I woke the sleeping boy.

"Come on, it's time to greet our friends." I hugged him, and he awoke with a sad look on his face, "Bad dream?"

"Bad dream." His voice was cold, like I had done something in his dream to upset him in real life. We were now walking down the terminal and I was greeted by the lovely faces of Ashton, Calum, Luke, and Michael.

"(Y/N)!" The boys four voices shouted in unison.

"Ahh!" I screech before getting engulfed in a hug, "Can't. Breath!" I soon get released and bombarded with questions.

"We haven't seen you in such a long time, what's new?" Calum asks above everyone else's voice. 

"Not to much, but I've been on tour and have my own band if you didn't know."

"Since when?" Michael sounds astonished.

"Since three years ago."

"Are you famous, like us?"

"I guess, but not in the pop industry, more the alternative industry. As you are touring with One Direction, I toured with All Time Low."

"Wait, you toured with All Time Low?!" Luke screams.

"Yes, and before any more questions get thrown at me, meet Jay." I gesture to the male standing behind me shyly.

"Hi," he squeaks. He's not normally shy, maybe he likes there music. 

"Hello!" Ashton replies, everyone following suit.

"Okay, we best start heading to the hotel, I hear fans!" As I speak, we all hear ear bleeding screams from fans of who knows. We all rush out as fast as possible, loosing our breaths before we reach the car. We sit in the car and head to the hotel, when I hear my phone buzz.

Andy: Hey, I noticed you weren't home yesterday or today, where are you?

(Y/n): I forgot to tell you but I'm on a trip to the America's!

Andy: Oh, okay

I don't respond further, as all the boys are staring at me. "What?"

"Who ya textin'" Ashton imitates a girl gushing over a crush.

"Andy," I roll my eyes. Jay breath's in, understanding my annoyance.

"Andy who?" The four ask.

"Andy. Biersack." My tone is laced in venom, pure hatred.

"Really? Why so sad?" Luke asks.

"He and I don't have a good past, at all." This shuts them up, since they know I have trust issues and can hold grudges for years on end. With my tone, they know I'm pissed. Michael goes on his phone and gasps as he reads something.

"So you two dated?" He questions.

"Did you find a news article or something?"


"I'm so going to get you when I get out of this car," I narrow my eyes in pure hatred. He puts his hands up in surrender.

We had now reached the hotel we would be staying in for the night until we would head to the next state for their gig. They would play tonight and tomorrow night, Oregon then California. It was currently 3, an the concert started at 5 so we had time to do something.

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