Chapter 9: Internet Friends

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A/n: Head's up before reading, I'm in a pissy mood because 1. I was denied medication for my depression and anxiety and 2. I'm loosing my sanity with life because of others and my own mind and 3. I really really need some hugs. Sorry if my mood carries over to the story, but writing calms me down so wootwoot.

Your Pov:

I open my eyes to a blushing Andy, and I give him another peck, "You're a good kisser," I tell him.

"I've been told," He winks. I smack him on the arm for being cocky. We ended up cuddling in a comfortable silence, until he notices me shake, and it's not from being cold. He sings to me in a flaming sweet and deep voice, and I become entranced, so i sing along to 'Sweet Blasphemy' and together, we nod of to sleep.




I wake up to the smell of cologne and beautiful blue eyes, and I smile up towards Andy, "Good morning," I beam.

"Morning beautiful," I can't help but feel butterflies in my stomach when he speaks.

"Want something to eat, I think we have cereal."

He laughs, "Sure, do I get privileged with milk too!"

"Maybe, if you're nice," I stick my tongue out. I grab the cereal box full of cheerios and the almond milk, and make us each a bowl. I walk over to the couch and see Andy intensely watching the Batman movies, and I steal his left earbud and still on his right, handing him is gourmet food.

"Thank you," He says, and I hear his heart as I lay on him, and we continue to watch Batman contently.

When Batman finished, we each had to get ready for our concerts, I finish in time to be able to watch him. 

"You know, Batgirl," my new nickname apparently, "Want to come to my concert? I don't do meet and greets today, so I can stay and watch yours as well." I can hear how hopeful he sounds.

"I'd love too, are you sure it's okay with your manager that you won't be there?"

"I'll call," he whips out his phone and is soon in deep conversation, and I pull out mine to check on Zander and Ivy. 

After a quick call, I learn they are fine, just very tired form lack of sleep, and I decide not to pry anymore. Andy, too, is done. We finish getting ready and he lets me do his makeup since we had extra time. A full hour later, we are each finished and goofing off, with a bottle of water and an empty ketchup bottle filled with water, and just having a water contest outside the bus. It was all fun until Zander and Ivy showed up and got soaked and chased me and Andy around. 

It ended up being 30 minutes before mine, Zander, and Ivy's set, so we rush off to the area the concert is being held, completely drenched. We get there with time to spare, and Andy heads backstage with screaming fangirls staring as if to say, "I didn't know he would be here!" Which, the shouldn't have.

So Zander and Ivy set up the drum kit and I fix up the mic's and send an apologetic look at Alex and Jack--Rian and Zack weren't in my vision at the time. So, we get started and have a lot of fun, messing with my wet hair and getting the audience wet too, until it was time for our final song and we did the water-on-drums act, but this time, Andy decided, 'I can sing for them, because (Y/n) is on the drums with Ivy, and Zander is just playing his bass.' So he comes out on stage, and sings with me! I was astonished, but I can't show it, so we just continue on to make it seem natural.

And boy did it sound natural. Our voices went in harmony with each others, and I'm thinking about what the internet is going to think. We finish the song, and Andy must have forgotten we were on stage, and kissed me on the cheek with a cheeky wink. I just glared at him in fun, and went back stage with the crowd roaring. I give out a free poster, and run outside to meet Andy, and peck him on the lips. 

We walk over to where his concert is held and surprise a fan who was in the line, with a hug and pictures. We get backstage and Andy's voice plays in my mind, "(Y/n), I'm falling in love with you."

My eyes go wide for a second out of sheer excitement, and I just look up, straight into his eyes, "I love you too." And that seemed to be all that was needed, we kissed and he went on to continued his show.

I sat back and watched, having fun messing with Andy when he would look at me, making silly faces and what not. The concert finished at 3am, and Andy took me to his trailer and we fell asleep to each others voice singing random 80s songs




I woke up on Andy's chest and heard him snore, quickly and stealthily got out of bed and wrote him a note that I would be with Zander and Ivy practicing.

I reached my trailer, and pulled out my phone when seeing both Ivy and Zander asleep, and for good reason, it was 8am. That's 1am in Japan, and Jay is always up. I grab my laptop and Skype him, getting an almost immediate answer. 


"(N/n)!" [Nickname].

"I have so much to tell you-" We both speak at the same tim, laughing right after.

I let him go first, and get told of the story of Japan and how lovely it is, and ow amazing the wifi at the house he is staying at is. I hear about how much fun he is having with his tutor family, and how much anime and Pokemon gear he got. It was then my turn to speak, "So, time for me to confess things. As you can tell, I'm no longer at the house," He just sits and listens as I had done for him, "and, let's just say, I've been hiding a few things from you. I have a youtube and am pretty popular, but amazingly that channel got me noticed by senpai and I am now on tour with my own band called Haven's Haze and am an opening act for... All Time Low-" This time I hear him squeal.

"Why did you not tell me! They are one of my favorite bands besides-"

"But wait, there's more." I cut him off, "I'm really good friends with Brendon Urie and most of All Time Low, but that's not even the best things. I think I'm dating Andy Biersack," He screams. I can tell he con't even hold his excitement, and I just listed two of his favorite people other than Gerard Way and Frank Iero. He just rants on and on to me that he wishes he wasn't in Japan so that he could obsess with me, and the I hear the door creak open. I wink at Jay, and his face goes on full 'Am I meeting someone famous' mode.

"Hey Andy," Jay freaks as I lift the laptop, "This is my Bestfriend turned roommate, Jay." I unplug the head phones.

"Hi there Jay," Andy says while putting his arm around me.

Jay looked speechless and Andy chuckled as I spoke for him, "Jay is actually in Japan, isn't that crazy!" Andy nods and starts a conversation with Jay, until it turns 2am for him, and he has to leave, and scroll through tumblr for another hour, probably.




Andy and I say our goodbye's and he sadly needs to go to rehearsal for something, or talk to his manager. With me being all alone, I Skype Brendon.

"Hey Beeboo."

"Hey (N/n), I heard something blossomed between you and Andy." He wiggles his eyebrows.

"Yes, something did happen, thank you for asking. Now my turn for a question, our relationship has already spread onto the internet?"

"Yes it have! Welcome to the world of fame my dear (Y/n)." He jokes. Brendon and I continue to talk until he needs to leave for more song writing. 

I was soon alone and scrolling through my new followers, until one caught my eye.

'AmazingPhil has followed you,' That user look familiar, but in the end, I decided to leave it alone considering a lot of names looked familiar.

A/n: yay! I have added love and friendship! And Phil...  Anyways, new update, thoughts?

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