Chapter 3: Date?

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Y/n POV:

"I can't wait to hang out tomorrow," I beam up at Dan. Did he just ask me on a date? Hm...
I release Dan from the hug and he leaves, I believe to the apartment above mine.
"ON MY WAY," I then hear him/her trip "IM OKAY!" I laugh. Suddenly, my phone goes off. I look down at my phone to see a text from Jaken, long time since I've heard from him...

'Hey Y/n I was wondering if you wanted to hang out sometime. Maybe in two days? I haven't seen you in a while and I'm visiting England, and I have no idea where to go. Do you, perhaps, have an extra room?
                 -Jaken •3•'
I then see Bff/n in front of me.
"What. Who was that. LET ME SEE!" He/she screeches.
"Remember Jaken, from all the stories?"
"Yea why?"
"He's staying over for a while. He's visiting and we just happen to have an extra room."
"What about Dan and Phil?"
"Jaken's just a friend, no need to worry. I hope..."
"Yay! Thanks" I hug him/her.
'Hey Jaken! Long time no see, but yes you can stay over at la casa de L/n. I just happen to have an extra room. How long will you be staying for?
          -Y/n •~•'
'Maybe a week. I'm planing on moving here if I find a good Uni -Jaken'
'There's an apartment complex near mine that's got an open apartment, you can stay with us until. I'm also attending a Uni here, I can show you around. Where are you, I'll come pick you up?'
'I'm at the airport'
'Alright. Give me like 10 minutes.'
'Okay thanks ^^'
'No problem :)'
After texting, I hail a cab and get in. "Airport please."
We reach the airport and I hand him the money. I see Jaken and whistle him over with our high schools chant.
"Hey," he smiles at me.
"I see you've joined the emo side," I get a laugh.
"Why wouldn't I, I mean, look at my hair!" He does a quick hair flip, earning a laugh from me.
"Come on. Let's go to the apartment. You must be tired," he wraps his arm around waist.
"Let's~" I just nod. My cheeks have become a dark crimson colour.
I whistle for a cab.
"How do you do that?"
"I've learned after living here for a year." We get into the cab and I tell him the apartment numbers.
"I won't be here for long, I'll try to get my own place as soon as possible."
"You do know it's expensive here right? You can stay with me and Bff/n until."
"You have a roommate?"
"Yea, he/she's rarely around though always traveling." I get a nod in response. "Actually, I think he/she's leaving tomorrow, for, what was it... Oh! He/she's going to help out a place in Africa."
"That's amazing!"
"Yea. Oh! We're here." His head shoots up.
"How much do we have to walk. That looks like a lot of stairs." He frowns at me.
"A lot..."
"They are really noisy, but they're really sweet."
"It's late, come on, you'll get used to the stairs, I promise."
"Alright," he stares straight into my eyes. He has these beautiful blue green eyes that look great with his pale skin and black hair.
"Hey, do you have any tattoos?"
"No, why?"
"Wanna get one?"
"Yes!" He agreed! Yay! Wait. What did I just propose. I mean, I have a plenty of tattoos and piercings, but I remember what happened last time we did this, he almost chickened out.
"Oh, we're here," I open my door.
"BFF/n seems to have left already."
"Do I get the couch-"
"I would never do that. Follow me, we have a spare room."
"Of course you would."
"What's that supposed to mean?"
"You were always prepared for everything, and have a kind companionate heart," I blush at his statement.
"Thanks," I smile weakly. No ones ever complimented me this way.
"Anything for you" why is he being so nice. We didn't know each other that well in high school and I mean, it's only been a year.
"Oh! I hope you don't mind, buuuuut I need to make a video, want to join?"
"I'm a YouTuber."
"Oh that's awesome! I am too"
"Really? What's your channel?"
"Don't laugh-"
"I won't."
"I've seen your channel, I knew it was you! Are you a partner?"
"No not yet, but I hope to be. Are you?"
"Um... Yea I am"
"That's cool! What's your channel?"
"C/N (channel name)"
"You just got another follower"
"Thanks!" I hug him. He's unpacked some of his things.
"Are you tired?"
"Not very, but I will be soon, I can almost promise."
"Follow me." I grab his hand and drag him too my room. I set up my camera.
"What do you want to do. A challenge? I can go off schedule for a collab."
"I've always wanted to play cards against humanity"
"Lucky for you. I have the game," I go to grab my game, "ready?" He nods.
"Hello everybody! Today I am joined with a dear friend of mine, from the dreaded days of high school" *gags* "Jaken! Or known as Jay"
"Would you like to introduce what we will be playing?" I look into his eyes.
"Yes please," he says playfully. "WE-"
"Ahhh your loud! My ears are bleeding!"
"- are playing," he says in a hushed tone, "CARDS AGAINST HUMANITY!"
"My neighbours are going to complain you may get me kick out!" I frown at him.
"It's okay!"
"Let's play! Comment below who wins!"
"I'm supposed to say that!" He sticks his tongue out and boops my nose with his tongue.
"Ew ew ew ew what have you done!"
"Okay okay let's play."
"What's batman a guilty pleasure?"
"Oh I know this!" He says.
"You do? Is it you?!"
"No! It's 'All you can eat shrimp for 4.99"
"Who doesn't like shrimp they can shove in there ass!"
"That took a turn for the worse! Oh god my innocence! Plus we all know batman a guilty pleasure is 'a homoerotic volleyball montage'"
"What, oh my god hahhaha" I stick my tongue out. "Okay okay okay, what are my parents hiding from me?"
"That was fast geez rude much. And I think they are hiding 'a floor that is made out of lava."
"Yours are no fun." I whine.
"Shut up you love them."
"Never! Next!"
"Having problems with _____? Try _____!"
"Ummm... Having problems with menstruation? Try shutting the fuck up!"
"Oh that was good. Buuuut. Having problems with all this liquid in my mouth? Try giving a dolphin a blow job for science!"
"Hahhahahah that was good!"
"_____ was totally worth the trauma."
"Uh.... Rubbing chocolate all over Bill Cosby's nipples was totally worth the trauma."
"My turn! Stepping on a god damn friggin Lego was totally worth the trauma."
"I'm so sorry for you."
"It was worth it."
"Haha okay that's it for today guys!"
"Be sure to check out Jaken's channel in the description below AND sorry for messing uo the schedule but all week will be collabs! Byeeeeeee" I end the video then.
"That was fun."
"It's late. I'm tired now. Let's go to bed."
"Okay!" He grabs my hand and leads me into his room. He has such a deep voice. Stop. Don't think that. No. Bad me. I leave him be and go to my room.
"Can you come lay with me? I'm cold."
"Sure." I walk over to his room, "Welcome to London"
"This is so different from California."
"You'll get used to it."
"I hope." As I lay next to him, I hear his snore and his arm wraps around my waist. I snuggle into him, I was cold too.
I remember waking up too a cold bed. I frown as I walk over to my kitchen and make a hot chocolate. "Jaken! Want a coffee or hot chocolate?"
"Coffee please!"
"Coming right up!" I make both our drinks and bring them over to him.
"Thanks." He smiles at me. I notice a whipped cream moustache and wipe it off for him. "Haha, you had a moustache"
"I did small one"
"Don't call em small you are a tree you don't have the right"
"Don't hurt me I am a hollow tree. I may have a tough bark but I'm hollow"
"You went along with it."
"Yes I did." I giggle at his response.
"Want breakfast?"
"OKAY" we run to my kitchen and heat up some waffles. I then cover them in chocolate sauce and whipped cream.
We sit at my table and devour the waffles.
"You have chocolate on your nose," Jaken told me.
"I do not!"
"Do too!"
"Prove it!" Next thing I know, he up in my face, and I've become red. He take our his finger--and it has chocolate on it--then he boops my nose.
"Well, you do now."
"What?" I just made a grumpy face.
"It's on." I grab the whipped cream and start spraying it all over him, chasing him about the house. He grabs the chocolate and we have an all out war. I then hear a knock on my door.
"Y/n, I heard a lot of noise, are you okay?"
"Yea, on second!" Oh that must be Dan and Phil. I'm glad I have a recorder on all the time, stuff like this always happens to me and Bff/n. I walk up to the door and open it. Just in short pyjama shorts and a t-shirt that I got from a fan.
"Hey Dan. Hey Phil. What's up?"
"Why are you out of breath and covered in chocolate?"
"A war, wanna join?" I wiggle my eyebrows at them.
"Sure, are you having a war with BFF/n. I though he/she was supposed to be gone?"
"I have a friend over from America. Come in" I step out of the way, only to be met with chocolate in my hair.
"HEY!" I grab my whipped cream and toss extras at Dan and Phil. "Help me get him back!"
"Him?" Dan mumbles. They still grab the extra whipped cream and Carmel sauce, but instead of going for Jaken, they all team up on me and I look like a Sunday. I frown and stand still, pretending to be sad. They all come over to me, and I engulf them into a hug.
"Whyyyyy" Dan whines and I just hear Phil and Jaken groan. "Alright, I'm gonna take a shower and get ready for the day, be back soon. Help yourselves."

Dan's POV:
(I know I'm predictable)
As soon as she left, I wanted to know about this friend-
"So you're Dan and Phil? I'm Jay."
"But didn't (Y/n) called you Jaken?" Phil asked.
"Yea, but I only let her call me that. It's something from high school and I guess it kinda stuck" he said while rubbing the back of his neck. So they're the same age and grew up with each other. 
"How long have you known her?"
"Well, we weren't supper close in high school. We bonded near the end, she moved her and a year later so am I. I guess we've been getting closer, but I've only been here for a day-"
"-A day?"
"Oh, I flew in last night-ish" All I do is hum in response. After 10 minutes of chatting (Y/n) walks back in with a (F/c) sleeveless top and a black/white flannel(whichever goes better with your colour). She has on black jeans, ripped. Her hair is straightened, beautifully if I might add.
"L-let's go out, we can show you around?" I stutter. Fuuuuuuck.
"Yea, let's-a-go!" She grabs mine and Phil's hand and smiles at Jay/Jaken.
Finally reaching the bottom of our stairs, we head out into the world. This is weird. Human contact. *shiver*

Jay/Jaken's POV: (didn't expect that ha!)

I've missed London. (Y/n) (BFF/n) and I had all traveled her to look at Universities but I took a break year. To try and get my life back together.
I've noticed Dan and (y/n) are close, but she and I are closer. She knows I'm Bisexual, as I know she is pansexual. I loved the way she came out.

~flashback thing yea... Idek~
Sitting in the back of the class, (y/n) and I were laying on our desks, tired from staying up late the night before. She called me, knowing I was going through something tough. ~flashback in a flashback~
I hear my phone ring. It's (Y/n). I answer, with the gun I had previously, now on the desk.
"Jaken. I know I don't know you well, and now, I wish I'd known you more. I care along about you, and wouldn't bare life without you," my breath hitches, "please please please come over. I want to be there with you to tell you everything. Because, I know what you're going through, I tried committing suicide multiple times, and only now I see the importance of life," her voice is very shaky and she sounds like she crying, as if she still feels the way she did. As if she still felt that way-, "so please, meet me at the lake in 20 minutes."

A/n: I'm evil. I'm sorry for the slow updates :( but I write a lot, I wanted to write more but decided against it. I am proud of the chapter, but what do you think? Also I'm planning on writing another story yay!
Oh, news. If you ever see just an authors note chapter, know I'll update right after for a real chapter unless specified <3

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