Chapter 11: Anime Day

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I've written this 15 times and I have such writers block that I can't even. Ughhhh. Anyways, that's why this is late... Also we made 300+ views! Thank you so much!

Your Pov:

"Let's make a youtube video!" I shout with enthusiasm.

All three nod and we come up with an idea, which ended up being truth or dare. I set up the camera and we all sit in the fort.

"Hello everyone, so today I am back with Zander and Ivy, and we are all joined with my best friend Jay. As you can tell, we are in a pillow fort that Jay and I made. So! Who wants to starts?"

Jay speaks up, "Zander, Truth or Dare?"


"I dare you too, close your eyes and send a blind text to a random person."

Zander immediately runs and grabs his phone, closes his eyes and selects a contact. He then types, 'Hey beautiful I miss what happened between us last night' and sent it. He then saw his contact, Shane. He burst out laughing and we all follow in suit. "(Y/n), Truth or dare."


"Describe the weirdest dream you've ever had."

"Prepare to be freaked out." They all nod and keep silent, "Okay, so this was a nightmare, but it was reoccurring when I was really little. So I was in my house and my dog ran downstairs so I went to catch him, then I get down, and I see my parents drowning. The floor is cracked and underneath it is eels and water, so I run out crying. When I get outside, I notice my cousin also under, but I decide to jump on and save him. He gets out, but I get dragged down by a hand until I'm back in land and running to catch up to this train along side someone else. We get in the train and steal food--I was really hungry I forgot to eat dinner--and I then have a sack in my head. When my vision clears, all is under a blue filter and I'm tied to a pole. I was then picked up by a man and shoved underwater so that I would drown, but I could breath. So I kicked the person who had got me and was free along with other kids, but we were all branded to be sold as sex slaves."

They all look at me as if I am mad, "You asked..." I look down shamefully, "Anyways, Ivy, truth or dare." Her reply was dare.

"I dare you to... Prank call Alex or Jack!" Her immediate response was a grumbling noise as she got up and grabbed her phone, and dialed their number with a *67 in the front.

"Herrooo dis es Panda Express, do you wan sum doooog o cat?" She said in a fake accent.

"You bwing dishonor to famry eat dog!" And we heard laughing on the other end of the phone, and they then hung up, us all trying to keep a straight face. [Ivy said, hello this is panda express do you want some dog or cat. You bring dishonor to your family, eat dog!] We all ended up laughing on the floor, her soon joining us. "Okay, Jay, truth or dare?"


"Kiss the hottest person in the room." Jay then got up, and kissed Zander, with Zander blushing soon after. 

We continued on playing, Zander being a blushing mess. After a while, we ended the video and Jay spoke up, "Zander, do you want to go on a date?"

Zander could barely speak, so instead he nodded over and over with a smile plastered on his face. Jay to was ecstatic, grinning from ear to ear until he and Zander left and it was just me and Ivy happily gasping at the two.




The day still being young, we got out of the trailer and went to go for a walk, and food. We sat down at a pizza place and just had a casual conversation, still learning things about each other, such as birthdays and family life. We got home around three with extra smoothies for everyone, I called up Brendon, Alex, Zack, Rian, Jack, and Ivy called Jay and Zander.

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