Chapter 12: The Tour is Coming to an End

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Your POV:

Its been a few months since the tour and I've been taking online classes to start off my senior year. Jaken is back home and calls me constantly, each of us excited to reunite. Through out the tour, I've made friends, something I never thought I'd have. I have about 500,000 subscribers and gaining. Ivy and Zander's mom had passed away recently, so they are coming to live with me and Jaken for a year until we all move out.

This tour has been amazing for me, and to wrap the year up, we finish on a new years show. We aren't playing anywhere special, like New York that was last week, but instead Florida. The show is in two days, and I'm jumping with anticipation. I have recently just been hanging around Zander and Ivy, comforting them, but when we aren't together I'm either with Brendon, Jack and Alex, or Andy. Jack, Alex, and I have all gotten closer since we had a whole two months without interaction with any other bands, so we would all just play video games late into the night, and I am really happy to have made the friends that I did. 

Instead of reflecting on the year I've had, I get out of bed and get into an online chat room.

'Hi!' Someone says.

'Hello, what is your name?'

'I'm (Bff/n), you' 

'I'm (Y/n), It's nice finding someone who--hopefully--isn't a giant creep!' And with the few sentences I met my Best Friend. (Backstory on how you and your Bff from chapter 1 and 2 met!)

We talked for hours and hours, exchanging contact information in hopes of speaking to each other again. I soon passed out, and headed to December 31st.  

Andy and I had recently celebrated his 21st birthday, and today we decided to spend another day together, because he went to a bar and I am underaged and couldn't join.

"Hey babe," he whispers into my ear while snaking his arms around my waist. 

"Hi Andy," I turn to face him and peck his lips. He lets go of my waist and grabs hold of my hand, dragging me somewhere. "Where are we going hun?"

"It's a surprise!" His deep voice is filled with the excitement of a child, only making it more adorable. I cover my mouth and laugh at his antics and he whisks me off into the night.  Luckily his gift was in my bag, so I could still give it to him.

"We are here, so close you eyes!" He stated firmly, I obeyed and he had his hands over my eyes, guiding me to the mysterious area. "Open your eyes babe."

"Andy, it's beautiful, how did you know this was here!" I was astonished by the beauty of lake in front of us. There was a blanket set out with a basket and candles.

"I got some help from locals, they said this was a very safe and romantic space." His voice cut me out of my thoughts. We sat down, and I pulled his gift out.

"I wasn't ble to give this to you earlier because I wanted to give it to you when it was just us, so, here!" I hand him a red wrapped box. He tore through the wrapping, met with a black leather jacket, and a black belt with chains going across it. His face lit up as he hugged me.

"I love it (Y/n)," he speaks into my ear, making the hug tighter.



"What happens when I go back to school. I know you live in LA and I live in souther California, but how are we going to se each other?"

"We'll do as we have always done, talk every day and visit as much as possible. Maybe one day you can move out to LA for college or music."

"I'd like that," I smile up to him, his hands taking mine, pulling us closer until he kisses me. His hands glide to my back, mine tugging his hair. He licks my lower lip, wanting to french kiss, but I denied it. He gets more aggressive and lightly grabs my ass, me gasping, and he smirks, getting what he wants. We continue our kiss, until gasping for air. He gently puts his forehead on mine.

"You know (Y/n), we haven't gotten much time to ourselves lately. I like it when it's just us together. When school ends, do you want to move in with me?" I was taken aback. I was unable to speak, so I just nodded with this hug smile on my face. He smiles in return, "Good, I'm glad I'll be with you," and he kisses me.

We eat and just continue to talk about the concert that is in, four hours? Yea, four hours.

"(Y/n), I love you."

"I love you too Andy. Ready to go?"

"Not quite yet."

"Why-" I was cut off my a kiss.

"Okay, lets go." He stands up, and helps me up. We blow out the candles and wrap up the food and blankets, and hail a cab. I'm still a blushing mess from everything that has happened, and Andy is just smirking, full of content. 

I hop out of the cab, along with Andy. I run to the showers, and he goes into the bathroom with me.

"No, out."

"Come on babe, you're legal age."

"I'm not ready, okay?"

"Alright. Can I get  a kiss then?"

"Of course!" I peck him, then kick him out. I get ready an have two hours before the concert, so we head over to rehearsal. Andy caring me in bridal style since we were joking around that we would have thirty children.

"They will be my children and I will love them!"

"Ah why yes, and my vagina will be worn out after all the birthing."

"We are so weird" he shakes his head while laughing.

"That's why we're great together," I kiss his cheek and he sets me down. I get to practicing, Andy watching happily.

I soon finish and it's time for the concert. We decided to have Andy come on stage with me and we would sing 'Sweet Blasphemy' together, since it was our song that we always sung to each other.

I got on stage and played my heart out, Andy sourcing the crowd, and us acting sillily on stage. Ivy and Zander jamming out in the back. Ivy and I had planned something, and got Andy's approval.

"Hello Florida! How many of you like boys?" I get hands from both genders, "How many of you like girls?" I get a similar response. "How many of you don't care unless it's love!" Everyone screams as I grab Ivy by the waist as kiss her, "Cause I sure don't!" 

"So, here stands one lesbian." Ivy speaks

"One bisexual," Zander chimes in.

"And one pansexual!" I top it all off, the crowd goes wild, people screaming their sexuality, unafraid of the criticism. "Thank you all for listening to us this tour, and this is sadly our last date, so, is it okay if I watch the show with you?!" More screams, and I jump down, soon engulfed by new and old fans. With that, we all celebrate the ball drop, with All Time Low play 'Lost in Stereo' all of us dancing and screaming full of joy. 

And that was my last concert of 2010 and my first concert of 2011, something I would treasure. How much my band and I had grown, I even had a relationship. All I needed next was to finish the school year and be with Andy.

Guess who's back from hold! Me! I wrote nothing on that break because I enjoyed spending time with family and getting ready for exams. Yay? Any was, the break was nice, and I still have one more week until spring break... But this Monday I am meeting My Digital Escape, so I actually get to meet Bryan Stars! Also Shannon--she's my favorite. I'm getting my cousin a signature from Johnnie because he likes Johnnie. I am excited to meet Alex, Jayden, Kyle, and Jordan as well, and I have been stalking them for the past week. As nervous as I am, there will be no update tomorrow because I am meeting them, so that means no half chapter, but thats not all to bad. Anyways, wish me luck, because I am terrified! Bye lovies


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