drama on the plane

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Imagine that you laurent and larry where all locked in a broom closet together and they where still all sweaty and hot from doing there workshop.  What would you do?
Omg i wouldn't be able to control myself D:
Like i would be in a broom closet with two tall, sweaty ,chocolate caramel, handsome, delicious ...and strong...ohh god let me stop before something happens lmao.
*slaps myself* stop it the les twins are human beings not ice cream cones that you lick >.< ahh i need to be punished :(
Maybe i can be punished by the les twins :D ahhh stop it >.<!!

Back to the story...

Laurents pov:

After our bags where packed we automatically headed on the road. It took about 45 minutes to get to the air port but when we finally arrived we gave them our tickets and entered the plane. Of course i was hesitant to get on, i swear i would travel any other way but the plane, oh why the plane! God save me, as brothers me and larry got into an argument because i was being stubborn and wouldn't get on so he picked me up over his should while holding luggage.
"Larry noo! Put me down!"
"Laurent shut up its not that bad!"
"Help! Somebody!"
Larry smacked my ass causing me to whimper... We entered the upper class and put our luggage away. Im glad that i would never  have to see that hotel again it was getting cramped in there. I sat next to larry who had his head phones on. I exhaled and inhaled slowly and closed by eyes trying to relax.
"Water sir?"
A women said next to me, i jumped from the sudden voice and my eyes suddenly wide open. I put my hand over my heart trying to stop my soon to be heart attack.
"N-no thank you"
"Are you sure? You look a bit shooken hun"
She leaned in close to me i forced myself to look at her eyes instead of her chest that was almost in my face now.
"Well...maybe  just one glass"
"With pleasure hun"
She looked to be in her late 20s, she looked cute for a flight attendant. I just hope larry wasnt paying attention to how i was now staring at her in awe.
"Im sandy by the way. If you need anything just call"
"Okay sandy appreciate it"
She handed me the water and went 4 rows down offering other  people water as well. Larry took off his headphones and looked at me in irritation.
"Really Laurent"
" geez why don't you just fuck her for all i care"
"Larry its not like that, she was just being nice thats all"
"Why didnt that bitch offer me water then"
"Maybe she didnt want to bother you i mean you did have your headphones on, some people take that as wanting to be alone at a certain moment in time."
"Oh and defend her too while your at it, i was sitting right next to you laurent i know she saw me, move over im going to speak to her"
"Stop larry, dont be so harsh."
Larry rolled his eyes and put his headphones back on folding his arms. What a baby...i leaned over and kissed his cheek but he ignored me.
"Its not a big deal larry...Okay fine ignore me"
"Ladies and gentlemen please fasten your seatbelt as we are now taking off"
The captain said over the intercom, i gripped my seat tightly, my palms where sweaty. Oh god i cant do this. Im starting to panic. My breathing quickened soon.

Larrys pov ( a/n i swear i love and hate larry i dont know why lol)

I stayed silent ignoring laurent, i hate that people try to get at him, sometimes i feel like he flirts with them back. Or maybe im just the jealous type. I saw him panic suddenly from my peripheral vision i saw his chest heaving up and down quickly. I grabbed his hand taking off my head phones worrying.
"Laurent calm down its okay"
"Get me off this plane i cant- distract me larry do something!"
I quickly thought of something, every time laurent panicked i always had to think of something to calm him down. I leaned in and smashed my lips on his, at first it was hard because he panicked but then he got the rhythm of it and kissed back making the kiss soft and gentle. I sucked on his bottom lip interlocking our fingers. I pulled away when i felt like he was finally calm but he whimpered from the loss of touch and i giggled. Poor brother..i felt sorry for his fear.
"Wow, thanks larry"
"No problem baby"
"We are getting a couple of nasty stares from people ya know"
"I dont care lau let them stare"
"Does this mean your not mad any more"
"I guess not but the next time your eyes are glued to something laurent--"
I took laurents hand and place it on my crotch
"It better be something nice on me, if you catch my drift"
laurent smirked and nodded his head up and down.
"Ya no i think the bathroom stall is open"
"On the plane! Laurent how dirty of you"
"Oh shut up, how long is this stupid flight anyway"
"About...thirteen hours"
"I can't wait that long your lying larry"
Larry only laughed at laurents frustration.
"Im serious lau"
Laurent turned his head when he felt a tap on his shoulder by the same flight attendant.
"Hi again, for our lunch we have steak would you like a plate?"
"Oh hello sandy, is it good?"
Sandy eyed laurent up and down ignoring larrys evil glare. She admitted to herself that she liked what she saw as she bit her lip.
" oh its delicious sir"
"Call me laurent and i guess i could eat"
"Okay laurent, here ya go"
Larry had enough at snapped
"Excuse me! I know you fucken see me"
"No its okay laurent, im sorry. Would you like a plate of steak?"
"Yes dammit"
Sandy checked her cart that was filled with food, there was only one steak left.
"Im sorry we are out of steak"
"I see the steak right there!"
"That's for somebody else "
"Why would you offer me food if the food is for somebody else then"
"Please calm down larry!"
Laurent gripped larrys hand and whispering for him to relax in his ear
"No laurent this bitch is getting on my nerves"
" sir if you would like i could check the kitchen if there is any steak left"
"Never fuckin mind youll probably poison my body!!!"
"Sandy can you check back later please"
Laurent said with the most warming smile. Sandy smiled back and walked away but what she said next made larry furious as she walked away.
"Would anyone like a plate of steak for today's lunch?"
"What the fu-"
Laurent quickly covered larrys mouth to silence him but larry screamed into his hand, his face turning red
"Shh shes not worth it larry, relax baby relax"
"No! First that stupid bitch ignores me then she offers me food and says its for somebody else and now she lied saying would anybody like steak! I dont tolerate being ignored and lied to"
"Funny because you were just ignoring me a few minutes ago. Larry dont get upset, After we get off of this plane you will never see her again, we will be in L.A and have the time of our lives. Dont get mad at people that you will never see again, its no use "
"But laurent she-"
"Relax larry! Its just me and you nobody else.."
Laurent kissed larrys neck rubbing his thigh calming him. Larry slouched in his chair his muscle finally relaxing again.
"Here just eat my food im not really hungry anyway"
"Mmm...thanks laurent"
"No problem larr"
"Would you like for me to go talk to her?"
"Do it before i do"
Laurent giggled and got up walking down the aisle and approached sandy again
" laurent is everything okay?"
"Oh yes sandy i just need to talk"
"Okay shoot"
"Well my brother larry is kind of hot tempered at times so its best not to get under his skin, understand?"
"Im sorry, i dont like him anyway"
" his nice when you get to no him"
" i dont care i like somebody else"
She leaned in stepping closer to him and whispered purring in his ear.
"You Laurent"
" yess"
Sandy licked his neck making him stumbling back and hitting a different passenger larry looked up from his food and only saw this and laugh.
"Hey watch it!"
" s-sorry"
Sandy laughed and Turned around continuing to work. Laurent sat next to larry who looked at him weirdly.
"Whats with you man? What happened"
"N-nothing everythings fine, im fine,  all good"
"Your acting weird lau"
"Im fine. Stop worrying "
"Mmm...ok so what did she say?"
"N-nothing she just told me she umm"
Laurent coughed in the middle of talking trying to avoid the subject but failed.
"She what?"
"She told me she likes me and licked...my...neck"
"The bitch did what!!!"
Larry stood up from his seat next to the window but Laurent grabbed his wrist and pulled him down he new he shouldve lied.
" larry no! Ill take care of it"
"No someone touch my baby! Your ass is mine not hers or anyone else!"
Laurent froze up and slapped his forehead...why why why...
"This is going to be a very long and tedious flight.." Laurent said mumbling to himself while larry was still mad and hopping over Laurent.
He was going to kill someone. Fast.
He was searching for her everywhere but she was long gone. Where did she go? Finally larry caught her talking to a passenger in the low class area and got gasps of excitement from people who already new him.
"Omg thats larry from the les twins!"
"Can i have your baby larry?"
"Isn't he gorgeous"
He kept getting wild comments from the ladies and the guys well...they where pretty jealous... As larry approached sandy he tapped her on his shoulder and she turned and gasped.
"L-larry, what c-can i do for you?"
"You can stay the hell away from me and my brother I would hate for something to happen to you...we clear?"
"A-are you threatening me?"
Larry leaned over and whispered in her ear and mimicked what she did to Laurent by gliding his tongue down her neck causing her to shiver and a few others to smile at larrys action. He grabbed her waist and pulled her close to him so nobody else could hear.
"Its not a threat, its just a warning"
Larry walked out feeling amazing by leaving sandy frustrated, confused, scared, and maybe even a hint of curiosity. She wanted to know what larry had in mind, and there was only one thing that larry and sandy had in common.....They both loved a challenge. Larry went back to his seat feeling accomplished. And laurent looked at him curiously.
"Larry...what did you do?"
Larry copied laurents words smiling.
"Relax, you worry to much"
"Dont steal my words brother! What did you do?"
"I didn't kill her if thats what you want to know"
"Oh wow thats such a big relief for me larry thanks your the fuckin best"
"I don't need your sarcasm, ya know you've been a real stubborn diva lately, i think someone forgot what this dick can do. You need to be punished"
Laurent rolled his eyes and crossed his arms while biting him bottom lip.
"Ahaa! Whatever larry"
"That attitude just proved my point. Wait till we are back in L.A.. "
" but larry i-"
"Nope dont want to hear it"

Laurents pov:

So far its only been five hours on the plane, larry fell asleep his head was resting on the window and my head was resting on his shoulder. I tried falling asleep but i guess my nerves where still acting up with the sandy-and-larry situation and me being on this plane im general. I wiggled in my seat trying to get comfortable but it didn't work, i guess larry felt my uneasiness and mumbled for me to stop and fell back to sleep again. How is this so easy and peachy for him?
I decided to go stretch and use the restroom. A walked down the aisle and approached the door but it said occupied so i just wait. Its starting to feel like all ive been doing is waiting. Like waiting for me to get off this damn god forsaken plane waiting for myself to calm down with sandy, me, larry, triangle that we accidentally got ourselves into, and waiting for larry to do what he "claims" he will do to me when we arrive in L.A. if i have to wait any longer im going to explode! Suddenly the restroom stall opened and a person walked out. Finally...well thats one problem that i can solve from my checklist of waiting. I mentally slapped myself realizing who i bumped into, my eyes widened and my heart pumped out of my chest....I dont need this now lord...
I gulped and swallowed a breath of air clearing my throat. And finally...she spoke...
"Well well well.....we meet again, how is your brother doing by the way?"
I stared at her not able to find words. Irritation and stress took over. I was going to be stuck on this plane for eight more hours with...her... I thought me and larry told....her to buzz off but i guess not. I saw as smiled up at me. Some where in that smile i saw...a plan...a plan to do something to not only me but larry as well.
What am i going to do?
Boom!!! Done!!!

Who did laurent bump into?
Is it an old friend? A new friend?
The author dont even know!
*smiles evil like*
*evil laugh*
I had wayy to much fun writing this lol.

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I feel like larry is the jealous type in real life and Laurent is the calm chill and silly type idk lol

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