Strange Day

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Aprel's pov

Ding! I absolutely love walking through the doors and hearing that small copper bell near the ceiling. It brings so much warmth into me. This is the best place I grew up knowing and loving. The only place I was truly happy in, with no one to bother me, nor make fun of me. This was my favorite place in the world, and I'd never leave it for anything else.

Although it did feel a little strange without Malorie here. She's my best friend, my only friend. Not only that, my hero.

My phone started ringing, and I jumped, a little startled. I checked the collar ID, nd I smiled as I read the contact name because I was just thinking about her.

"Hey," I spoke after I had answered. I was excited she had called because normally when I call her, she doesn't answer. But I always answer someone calls. Especially if it's Malorie.

"Hey, how've you been you big girly girl?!" Malorie joked. I had to laugh. That was so the opposite of me, and she knew it, too.

"I've been alright. Yeah, but tell me about you. How's your new job? Are you enjoying it so far?" I asked, remembering the fun times we had together before her job snatched her away from me. She's a professional artist, and she became so good that these people wanted to help her get known globally, so she had to move away from me and I haven't seen her since two weeks ago, and I miss her terribly.

"I love my job, but it's so boring here at my apartment. Everyone is so serious, and that is not how I roll. I literally wish I had never ever decided to leave you. Like, really. There were always hot guys at any corner. And they don't have anything over here." Malorie pouted. I bit my lip to try and hold my laugh in, but I just couldn't. I laughed aloud.

"Aww, I'm sure you'll find someone over there. I mean, maybe you just haven't looked. You gotta open your eyes, and really look carefully. Because maybe he drove past you, or your apartment, and you-"

"Well, whoever that person is, better hurry, because I'm getting older." She huffed, interrupting me.

"Mal, you are NOT old!"

"Yeah, yeah, whatever. Let's not talk about me. I feel so crappy. Tell me about you. Job? Any guys? Did you win the lottery?? Or did you meet a celebrity??? How 'bout a billionaire?!?!" Mal rambled. I rolled my eyes. Oh, Malorie.

"No, none of those things you've just said happened." I giggled as I continued my way around the shop.

"Well, that sums up our lives. Boring. We should write a book so people can see how boring we are." She half joked. But then I remembered. Books. That was the reason I had came. The shop always had newer books every two months. And I wanted to see what they had.

"And if we did write a book, people would read how pathetic we are, but if we're lucky, they would somehow magically understand our pain, and forgive us. Then we'd end up being famous, and meeting cute guys and die happy!" Malorie continues talking as I continued walking.

"Wow, you've got an interesting way of looking at things." I teased.

"Hey! Well at least I actually have something planned for the future, and not sitting around all depressed." I froze, and my vision began to blur. I tried to laugh, but I ended up crying. "Aprel? No. N- hey, you know I didn't mean to- Aprel?" She begged, but I.held my breath. I didn't want her to know she hurt me.

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