Let It Out

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Omg, love those two up there
I swear, they r my life!!

Lady Gaga nd Ed ^_^ YAS

ikik it's like so late, rn its 12:11AM like omg, whut r u doin up ??

Tbh, im keepin my readers happy by typing this FanFiction that isn't at all real, but it coo

Sorry xD



Ed's pov

"Are you going to be alright?" I ask Aprel as I tucked her into bed.

She nodded. "Yeah, why wouldn't I be?" She replied with a slight smirk.

I nervously scratched the back of my neck. "Uhh, well, I thought cos of Peter ... " I couldn't finish my sentence. There was no need to. Especially if it frightened Aprel. I wouldn't want that.

"I know- I know, what you mean, but I'm trying to be cool about it. Yeah, I'm terrified, but I still want to be his friend. That's all, just friends. You know what I mean?" Aprel spoke and I nod.

"Yeah, I completely understand. I just want you to be careful." I admit timidly, and hoped I wasn't blushing.

I turned to face Aprel after she had been silent for about two minutes. She seemed shocked; speechless.

"I will," she tries to laugh. "Um, I'm not planning on pretending that nothing happened. I'll still be cautious," she says after I had seen her blushing.

"Alright," I say as I stand up from the seat that was beside Aprel's bed. I start walking towards the door to leave, but Aprel stops me.

"Wait!" She calls and I hear her jump off the bed. As I turn around, I notice she was running straight towards me, and all of a sudden, I feel her arms around me. "Thank you, for everything." She whispers softly, and I hug her back.

"Of course," I say as we both pull away. Aprel jumps back into bed, and I turn out the lights.

"Goodnight, Ed."

"Sweet dreams,"

And with that, I walk into my room and get ready for some rest.

Aprel's pov

Dark. Pitch black darkness. That was all I could see. Nothing else. Wait, no, I see something moving. I see bright green eyes glowing. I hear someone whispering.

My heart pounds faster and harder, and I can't breathe correctly. I quickly covered my eyes with my hands, but it didn't really help. I could still see nothing.

I'm such a fool. Why am I still afraid of the dark? This is so childish. Why should I even be scared? I live with Ed and ...

Peter. I live with Peter now.

When I first saw you ... it was a week and a half before we actually met. Those were Peter's words.

I've been friends with a maniac.

* * *

I open my eyes, thank goodness. It was a dream.

I sat up as I looked around. Well, it looks early. I wonder if anyone is awake. Maybe it's too early. I don't hear anything, so I guess I should get back to sleep.

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