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Well, nothin HUGE well maybe, but I just wanna say that I'm makin a few changes.

I would just like to say that in some chapters, I'm gonna change the deal. Not the story line don't worry, I mean the intro. Like, u know how it starts with what the last chapter ended with? Well, I won't do that anymore. :) not only that, but at some points, there will be a narrator. Like, maybe one chapter will have Aprel's pov, the other might not start with a pov. Just cos I want everyone to know what each character is thinking, nd I want to try it.

If it doesn't work well, im sorry bout wasting ur time, but just wanted to say this.

Also, I might still update once a week. Im not so sure, because of school nd everything, nd that it's the end of the year nd that's stressing me out :/

I'll update whenever I can, now that I found out I can be on Wattpad at school
:D so hopefully we're good.

ANDD in the beginning of every chapter, from now on, I'm going to say what chapter num it is. I've been thinking, nd I hope u guys aren't getting frustrated having to try nd keep track of what chapter num ur on #Guilty

Also thank you everyone for 999 reads like OMG I'M JUST ONE AWAY FROM 1'000 LIKE HOW DID THIS HAPPEN ??! Nd ik maybe after I post this, it will get more reads nd everything, but idc 999 means so much to me. U have absolutely no idea how proud this makes me.

Thank you to everyone who is reading. I literally love you, nd I hope when u read that, I put a smile on your face. That's right, UR BEAUTIFUL FACE. EVERY SINGLE ONE OF Y'ALLS.

RIGHT NOW, in the comments, (or DM me) who is ur favourite character nd why? I will ask this question again, when more characters are added, but u will never know ^-^

But honestly, thank you everyone! Oh, nd check out the new description I added to the story if u can. In case ur wondering, no that chapter has not been shown yet, but it will soon :) promise.

OHHH nd those of u who r confused by where it says "*(Book 1)*"  I'm really sorry, but THAT won't be explained until a special someone is introduced. YES, SHE'S BEEN MENTIONED, BUT NOT YET FULLY INTRODUCED :))))))))

I promise I'll explain, just not now.

Any questions for me? I would love to answer. Remember, talk to me, I don't care what the topic is. Just do it 0_0

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