Life Being With Ed

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Hi everyone!

Ugh, I've been so tired lately


Drea548 I love you so much, nd thank u for appreciating everything I do for this story. That talk we had just a few days ago, it really had me thinking, nd I'm just so glad I have someone like you in my life :)

U guys should follow her, I swear she's bae xD

Alright, enough of that! I would now like to, again, thank everyone who is reading. It doesn't matter if you comment, don't comment, vote, don't vote, read, don't read, it literally doesn't matter! I love you no matter what, nd just writing this book makes me happy. Yeah, it makes me even happier when u do all that stuff, (comment nd vote) but if you don't, that doesn't mean I hate u or don't like you.

If anyone wants to private message, I'm cool with it! Literally, don't think you're bothering me, I have nothing to do. Even if u wanna talk about your refrigerator, I'm interested :)

I hope you all enjoy this chapter nd have a good rest of the week!


Aprel's pov

"I mean it though, Ed. I'm sorry I was so harsh, I had no right to say that. I feel like such a jerk. I'm so stupid, sometimes." I shake my head as I stared down at my shoes, disappointingly.

"You're not a jerk, and you're never stupid." I feel a hand on my shoulder, and I look up to see Ed staring into my eyes. "What did I tell you about saying those words. Don't call yourself names, it won't make you feel any better. I understand if you don't want to tell me, and that's okay that you don't want to tell me. I'm sorry that I was forcing you to tell me something that wasn't even any of my business. I was just really worried, and I had thought that you wanted to talk about it. That's the other thing, I'm not like everyone else. I honestly care a lot about you." Ed says softly, and I blush again.

"Thank you, Ed. I appreciate that. And I'm also sorry for freezing up and worrying you." I again look down at the ground, but then look back up at Ed and watch him shake his head.

"No pressure," he smiles. Then a thought hits me.

"Um, can I ask where we're going?" I ask as Ed's eyes widen.

"Uh..." He scratches the back of his neck, nervously. "I don't really know. I guess I wasn't thinking. I was just in a rush of getting out of there, you know?" He laughs, and I nod. Not sure what to do or say next. Then Ed speaks again. "Um, I do know of a motel that we could stay at. Not for long, though. Maybe just a few days,"

"A few d- days?!" I accidentally ask out loud.

"Yeah, until we know what to do about Peter." He nods, looking around the neighborhood, as if he was paranoid that someone was watching us. Then he grabs my hand. "Let's go, I don't think it's safe to stand here past midnight. The motel isn't a very long walk from here." Ed says, pulling me along with him as we walk down the sidewalk. I look down at our hands, and can't help but blush.


After we had finally reached the motel, relief washed all over me. I just couldn't wait to get back into a bed and rest my now sore legs.

Ed, being the gentlemen he was, opened the door for me and let me go in first. I was a little shocked but how could I not expect this? Ed is a sweetheart, and just the cutest dork in the world!

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