Wake Me Up

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Hello everyone!!


Keep smiling nd don't end up like mee :P




OMG BTW ED LOOKS SO GOOD IN THAT PIC THO :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)
Enjoy!!! !!


Chapter 26

Aprel's pov

"Why, hello again!! Can I help you two with anything?" The old man smiled brightly at us. I smiled back, and let Ed do the talking.

"Yes, we'd like to return this key, please." Ed held out the key to show the man, and he studied it with a confused look.

"I'm sorry, is there something wrong with it? Oh, is it broken!? I have another copy- I have dozens of copies. Wait- or is it the room? Is there something wrong with your room??"

I remember last night, this man had thought Ed and I were together. Ed was blushing, wasn't he? If Ed doesn't like me, then why does he blush?

Unless, he pretends to blush, or pretends to like me.

"No, sir, there's absolutely nothing wrong with the room. We just want to return it for someone else out there who might be needing the room." I jump in, trying to smile as normal as possible, as if I didn't just think of something heartbreaking.

But the old man smirks. "Ahh, I see. You guys are going somewhere less packed. I see." He says in a low tone, which leaves me confused.

"We're just going back to our house." I simply say, and the man chuckles. I again tilt my head.

"Ohh, and to do what, exactly??" He wiggled his eyebrows and I suddenly knew what he meant, and I just prayed that I wasn't blushing.

"No!" Ed quickly replied, embarrassed, not blushing. I must know the difference. "Please, just take this key, and we'll be on our way." Ed slams the key onto the desk and grabs my arm before pulling me out the front door.

"Wait! I was teasing- oh, don't leave! I was joking- look I'm sorry. C'mon," he laughs behind me, but then I'm distracted by the dark grey clouds in the sky.

"It's going to rain." Ed says after we both hear a loud bolt of thunder. "Should I find a cab, or are we good to walk?" He asks.

"I'm cool with walking, but we'll need to hurry ... or we'll most likely get rained on." I look up at the sky, then back at Ed just in time to see him nod.

"Sounds good." And with that, we began to walk ... in silence. Thank goodness for that!! I honestly don't think I would have been able to keep a normal conversation with Ed without mentioning what had happened earlier. I mean, I should be able to live without speaking of what happened, but then again, it killed me inside, with the fact that I had so many questions, and that Ed couldn't answer them all right away.

After a few minutes of walking, I decide to look up and try to see where we were, and right as I did, I notice we were only a few houses down from our house, which a smile grew on my lips, until I realized the empty driveway.

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