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Been a while, right?

Well, not much but whatever !

Enjoy!!!! *this one's a good one*^


Ed's pov

"You know, sometimes, you're absolutely adorable, and other times, you're just weird, but I love that about you." I reply, playing with her hair, but she pushes my hand away.

"Thank you very much, but I'm not weird! If anyone around here is weird, then it's definitely you, my dear." She giggles and I couldn't help but laugh at her silliness. She looked so wonderful when she was happy and giggly. It made me happy.

"Awwwe," the older man laughs, which startles me. I had forgotten that he was there. "You two make a fine couple. Did you know that?" He asks and I feel my face starting to get warm.

No, you're not supposed to blush!! I thought, and when I looked over at Aprel, she, too, was blushing.

"Um, thanks, but- actually we're not together." Aprel tried to laugh.

"Yeah," is the only word that stumbles out of my mouth, and the old man shrugs.

"Whatever you say, but just remember," is all he says before winking. I don't get it. 'Just remember' what?

* * *

Aprel's pov

"Finally!!" I exclaim as I walk into our new room and immediately climb in between the covers. Ed joins me.

"Feels so good to be back in bed," he whispers, then let's out a sigh of relief.

"Yeah.. we should probably sleep, now." I whisper back as Ed yawns. I giggle.

"What a perfect idea." He grins, and I couldn't help but smile back. His smile was just so perfect.

"Goodnight, Edward." I blush. Saying his full name made me feel all blushy. I wasn't sure why, though.

"Sweet dreams, Aprel" He whispers softly, and I smile to myself. Then I feel my eyes starting to close, and I don't hesitate to fall asleep.

*The next morning*

Ed's pov

I don't mean to sound weird or anything, but Aprel looks so precious when she's sleeping! Literally, I just want to wrap my arms around her and squeeze her, but I don't want to wake her.

She looks so peaceful and happy. No, she doesn't have this huge smile on her face, but I can tell she's happy. She's relaxed and calm.

I'm so proud of her. She's been through a lot, but she still stands tall. I'm really proud of her.

She only deserves the best.

Aprel then stretches her arms out and my eyes widen.

I quickly turn the opposite direction, so she didn't know that I had been watching her sleep.

"Good morning, Ed!" She yawns, and I face her with a smile.

"Good morning, gorgeous." I remark, then wrap my arms around her, just to tease her. She immediately began blushing.

Found You At Last (Ed Sheeran)Where stories live. Discover now