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Chapter 36

Aprel smiled to herself. She was just so glad to see Ed and Harriet getting along so well. It made her proud, and she felt as if it were the best feeling in the world.

She couldn't have asked for anything else.

"Aprel, you are awfully quiet." Ed teased her after a few moments of silence, since they were enjoying their delicious food.

Aprel blushed. "Are you sure it's not you two that are just talking too much?"

"Hey!" Harriet pretended to be offended. Then they all laughed together.

Meanwhile back with Peter and Michelle, Peter felt his head spin around and around listening to Michelle ramble about her hair and other patients she had had in the past, basically her entire past life.

"Michelle! Michelle, please. Um," He just couldn't stand the frustration any longer, so he had to interrupt her. "Listen, I don't want to be rude, but can you please stop."

Michelle was offended, but she understood, so she stopped talking.

For about fifteen seconds.

"It's so quiet here. Where is everyone?" She asks.

Peter rolls his eyes. "They went out to do something for Aprel." He couldn't help but smile at remembering the only girl he ever loves reaction to his gifts for her.

Michelle wasn't even suspicious. She would've been if she had been staring at Peter's smile. "What do you mean 'they'?"

"Ed, Aprel, and her brother."

"Her brother?"

"Yeah. I think he's a great guy."

"What do you mean?"

"I mean he sounds like a great guy. What's so difficult about understanding that?"

Michelle slightly groaned as she had a feeling of what Peter was doing.

She couldn't help but get jealous. Michelle never liked Aprel for what Peter had said, since the beginning when he mentioned her.

~ *Flashback* ~
Michelle's pov:

"Soo Peter Kaunt, I want you to feel comfortable, okay? And if there are any problems or if there's anything wrong, or bothering you, please feel free to tell me, and I will do my best to help." I said as calmly and normal as I could.

Things like this made me nervous. You know, trying to explain to someone that it's alright and that life isn't really that bad, when in reality, you're life was just as bad and you feel as if you're lying to that person, but you aren't sure if they have bigger problems, so you want to keep it all to yourself, but at the same time you want to just have a really long conversation with that person, but at the same time, you don't know that person, so you can't.

"Uhh, I'm sorry. Could you repeat that, Mr. Kaunt?" I ask kindly after I heard Peter barely mumble something.

I hope he feels comfortable with me as his Psychologist.

"I'm okay." He mumbles but this time I was able to understand what he said.

"Perfect! Let's start."

"Well... nothing is really bothering me. It's just ... I have been acting a bit weird lately. A lot of people think I'm weird and I don't mean to sound like a baby, but I don't like it when people send me dirty looks. I'm a human being, you know? Just like everyone else. I'm no different. But it's been a little worse since my sister.. nevermind. That's not the reason, but I met this girl.. and I kind of like her but she hangs out with my best friend Ed."

"What is Ed like?" I ask, curiously. Then I notice his eyes light up and suddenly, he's smiling.

"Ed.. he's like a brother to me. We've known each other since forever and we've done everything and- oh! Edward? Ah, he's British and he has red hair, not actual red, you know, like red-orange -ish. Oh and he has a nice accent, he has blue eyes, he's a famous singer/songwriter, he plays guitar, and he's just the best. You know? Like if you do something for him, he won't ever forget it."

"Ah, I see." I smile. "He sounds like an amazing man."

"He is!!" Peter shouts excitedly. "And he knows how to get all the gals." He winks, but then he frowns. "Th- that's the thing. He gets all the gals.. I think he might be in love with the girl I like. And I just don't know what to feel anymore. She's so beautiful and she's everything I've ever dreamed about."

End of Michelle's pov
~ *End of Flashback*  ~

All she's ever wanted for the past week was to wrap her arms around Peter, but he's always mentioning Aprel, she feels left out, since Aprel is no longer a single woman, Peter shouldn't talk about her.

Aprel's pov

"Harriet, I just want to say thank you." I smile. "Honesty. Today was amazing."

"Was?" Harriet jokes and Ed laughs.

"You know what I mean!"

"Seriously though, today was great. I'm glad that throughout the entire day, she was smiling, and I knew that she was happy." Ed shakes Harriet's hand. "Thanks mate."

"Any time, man. I'll do the same for your birthday. Whenever it is." Harriet laughs.


"Well, I think we have to go. What time is it, Ed?" I turn my head towards Ed.

"Uhh.." Ed reaches into his pocket and pulls out his phone. Then looks up to me. "It's about to be eight thirty."

"Alright, well.. I'm sorry. I'm not that great at saying goodbyes."

"Hey, it's fine. Don't be sorry." Harriet mumbles into my hair after he had wrapped his arms around me and I had done the same.

"I love you, Harriet." I whisper through teary eyes.

"I love you, too." Harriet then pulls away to look into my eyes. "It'll be fine. This isn't goodbye forever and you know that."

"You're right." Then I pull away and smile.

"See? That's what I want to see! You're smile!" Harriet shouts and I giggle as I walk up to Ed.

"He's right." Ed grins, then kisses my cheek. I blush as I turn to look at Ed and then I lightly kiss his cheek back, and when to I turned back to face Harriet, I realized that he was already gone.


Hii guys! ! !

Ik I haven't updated in a while ND I'm incredibly sorry. But over the last couple days I have been coming up with some changes nd ideas. No I haven't made any I past chapters, those r done wit. I'm talking about ur future ones 😆😆😆

I feel so proud!!

Today is gonna be crazy day, but ik it's gonna be fun! 😄😄

Love every single one of you nd don't forget to check out Positive.

Thank you all for the reads nd the votes. Nd comments, I want comments.




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