Chapter 1: The Tragedy

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Before I start this I just want to say this story is originally not mine. It belongs to JazzyRose45 from but she is letting me continue the story. And for anyone whose read the story there will be a few changes. Now let the story begin.

"Mom? Dad?" Seventeen year old Gianna Kroes yelled as she ran from all the gunshots and smoke. She had no clue what was going on. One minute, she's in her room studying for her college final and the next she's woken up by these horrible screams and bangs. She knew she should have stayed locked up in her room. Where no one could harm her. But hearing her mother and father scream, she needed to help. She wasn't known to sit back and do nothing.

And that's what she did. She searched every single room in the house. She didn't find them anywhere.

She was finally in the last room; her father's office. Everything was turned upside down. It looked like a tornado had hit. She looked around for her parents, yet again. Nothing. She saw lots of pictures on the floor and walked up to them. Some of them were of her and her dad. Most of them were from a long time ago, when Gianna was still a child. It was when they were still back in California. Her father was part of a motorcycle club called The Sons Of Anarchy. She found a picture of her Uncle Clay and her Godfather John Teller. It's been a while since she had seen everyone in California, she didn't even know if they remembered her at all.

She was stopped by voices.

"Quick, let's get out before somebody calls the cops!"

"No, just a couple more minutes so I can look for more things." She saw the shadows of their feet under the door to her father's office.

They walked off to what she believed was her room

And was silent. Nothing could be heard. She walked over to the door and opened it. She peeked her head out and didn't see anything. She quicky ran down the stairs that led to the living room. Hers eyes widened as she took in the sight of her house. It was completely destroyed.

The wonderful family portrait that hung elegantly over the fireplace was in pieces on the wooden floor.

She walked into the dining room. There was blood splattered all over the walls and it stainex the beautiful white floor. Her eyes teared up as she looked up and saw two bodies sprawled out in front of her.

"Mon? Dad?" she whispered as quietly as she could. She noticed something shiny in her mother's was a diamond bracelet. One, that Gianna knew she never took off. She told her it was one if the first things her father ever bought her. She grabbed it in her hands and held it. She leaned down and kissed her mothr's cheeck and whispered she loved her. Tears started falling down her cheecks as she looked at the two people who raised her and loved her.

"Gianna." She turned and heard her father's voice. She ran over to his side and held her hand.

"What do I do daddy? I can't loose you guys." She sobbed and kissed his hand. He slowly pulled out an old piece of paper from his pocket.

"Call this number. Ask for Clay." His raspy voice ordered her. She looked down at the paper. It had a phone number and an address.

"Clay. Uncle Clay?"

"I never wanted this life for you Gianna. I'm sorry you had to gi through this. But know...that your mother and I love you very much."

"Please don't leave me." She whispered and leaned down, laying her head on his slow breathing chest.

"We...will always be here." He pointed to her heart just as his hand went limp in hers. She couldn't stop the sobbs and cries as she felt her father's lifeless body under hers. She didn't want to move from her spot but she knew if she didn't, those goons would find her and probably kill her. Her parents wouldn't want that.

She heard them descending from the stairs and quickly ran to a closet and hid. She waited until she heard their car turn on and leave. She opened that door and took one last look at her parent's fallen bodies and ran to her room. She grabbed a small back pack, filled it with her necessary clothes and some money she had saved up over the years. She placed her mother's bracelet arounf her small wrist and kissed it. She made sure she had all her necessary things for this road trip. She was going to go to California, whether they accepted her or even remembered her. She needed their help. She new her fathers trusted them so she would too.

She ran down to the garage and pulled out a set of keys from the drawer that held many others. She thanked her father that he taught her how to ride motorcyclss when she was a young girl. She pulled out the keys that went to her blue Yamaha YZF R1. She grew up with Harley Davidsons and other chopper styled motocycles. But Gianna always had a fascination with this bike. And her father knew he had to get it for her 17th birthday.

Shd straddled the bike and turned it on. She could hear sirens not far from her house. She sighed and did a quick prayer before riding down her driveway and away from her home for the last time. Her new life would be in Charming, California....

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