Chapter 22: The Revelator

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Driving to Opie's felt like miles as Gianna parked her car on the driveway. The street was packed with cars of relatives and friends that came by to support the family. Getting out of the car, she slowly walked into the familiar house. She took notice of how quiet it was. She remembers all the time she would come over, Donna would always have some form of music playing around the house, not too loud but just enough to where the house didn't feel so empty. was eerie quiet as if everyone was afraid to utter a word.

She walked into the kitchen giving a small shy smile to the women busying themselves around the kitchen just as Mary Winston came in through the back door that led to the patio.

"Gianna." Mary's sad eyes caught hers and she enveloped her in a warm, tight hug. Sniffling, Gianna pulled away and wiped a tear.

"It's been a while Mary. Such a shame we had to see each other again because of this tragedy."

"I always never here much for these kids and for mine...but Donna always talked about you. She loved you like a sister. You were always there for this family when I never could." Mary covered her mouth as a sob threatened to come out.

"It's okay Mary...its okay." Gianna comforted her. "You're here now. That's all that matters." she smiled down at the older woman, wiping her tears. "Where are Opie and the kids?" Mary nodded to the back yard.

"The kids have been asking for you. They'll be happy to see you." Gianna nodded.

"How are they taking everything?"

Mary sighed. "Kenny doesn't really understand much but Ellie...I don't think she's taking it very well. But she won't talk to me. Maybe she will talk to you."

"I'll try to get her to talk." Placing a kiss on the older woman's cheek, she walked around her and over to the back door, sliding it open and walking outside where she saw the two kids sitting on the swing, not doing much swinging and Opie sitting a few feet away with Jax by his side.

Opie looked over when he heard the door swing open and he quickly got up, embracing his small friend in his arms. They didn't say anything for a few minutes. Just wanting to hold each other and feel each other's pain.

"I've been trying to figure out what to say to you when I saw you..." she began. "But I can't think of anything that's going to fix this Op...I am so sorry this happened to you." Gianna held back her crying. she needed to be strong for Opie and especially his kids.

"This didn't just happen to me." his voice broke. "Donna was your best friend Gigi. She meant just as much to you." She laid her head on his chest and he kissed the top of it.

"If you need anything, anything at all. With the kids; whatever. I'm here for you. You know that?" she pulls away, wiping a stray tear that fell.

Nodding Opie replied, "I know... Right now I think the kids need you more." They looked over at the sad children by the swings and Gianna squeezed Opie's hand before walking over to the two. She sat down crossed legged in front of them and placed her hands in her lap not knowing what to say to two little kids who just lost their mother.

Just sitting there waiting for someone to say something, Ellie couldn't take it anymore. She couldn't take being strong for her little brother anymore. She got off the swing and wrapped her arms around her Aunt's neck. Kenny stayed on the swing looking at the two girls not knowing what this meant or what was going on. But when he heard his sister's sobs against their aunt's neck he immediately got off the swing as well and went over to Gianna's other side and hugged her close. Gianna couldn't stay strong for much longer and let a few tear fall down her cheeks. She knew Opie would need help with these kids...and she was going to do as much as she could to make sure these kids never have to go through another loss like this again.

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