Chapter 15: Old Bones

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Just a warning there is some mature content at the end. If you don't like that stuff when you see this:☆☆☆ That's when it starts and the same for when it ends.

During their trip back to the house, he noticed how she was getting fidgety and looking behind them every now and then. She must have noticed the car that had been tailing them since they left her house that morning. The same car that followed her home on the day of the fundraiser. He tried to distract her by showing her things around the town and making her laugh by telling her about something that happened to Juice. That boy is always getting into sticky situations. He knew that agent was at the clubhouse and was the one who trashed his room. He just wanted to know why this guy had it so bad for him. Pulling up in front of Gianna's house, they both slowly climbed off of the bike. She smiled taking of the helmet and handing it to him and he placed it on the handlebars.

"Well must say you are the first boy that has taken me to eat ice cream for're a keeper Jax Teller."

"Well I aim to please." He smiled and caressed the side of her face before leaning his forhead against hers.

"Can you stay for a little bit?" She did happen to notice the car that had been following them and she didn't feel very safe alone in her house right now. Jax sighed and leaned back to get a good look at her.

"This worry I'm getting have anything to do with that car that's been following us? The compact parked halfway down the block." Her eyes fell on it and she couldn't clearly see the person behind the wheel, but she knew it was Tara's ex. She stepped back walking to wards her front door.

"Gianna." He followed her. "What the hell's going on?"

She sighed and turned around. Sorry Tara. "That ATF agent that's been looking into you guys. I think he's here for Tara."

"What are you talking about?"

"She was with him in Chicaego. It got violent. She tried to end it. He started stalking her. There were possible signs he might be in town and she told me about them. Then he came into the studio and told me he was ATF and he mentioned Tara. And now he knows I'm friends with Tara." When she stopped she noticed the look of rage on his face. This was why she was scared to tell him. He turned on his heel and stalked towards the car. She knew if he did anything bad he would go to jail and she didn't want that.

"Jax, don't. He's dangerous!"

"Go back inside, Gianna." He pointed towards the door. "Lock the door."

Turning back towards the car, he reached for the knif on his belt. As he got closer he recognized the ATF agent and he smirked at him as he shoved his knife as deep into the radiator as he could.

The asshole climbed out, and calmly walked up to the biker. "Vandalism, deadly weapon, that's six months in county asshole."

Jax stepped toe to toe with him, his eyes raging. "Violating a restraining order? You'll be in the cell next to me." Narrowing his eyes, he cocked hid head slightly. "They teach you how to suck a dick in ATF school?"

Kohn's nostrills flared, then he smirked. "Badass biker."

Jax scoffed. "You guys gave it your best shot. You got nothing on Samcro. And you harassing my girl and Tara, that ends here. Or next time it won't be your piece of shit car I'm draining fluid from."

Kohn stared down his nose at Jax. "You threatening a federal agent?"

Jax's face was serious. "I'm threatening you. Go away. That's my last warning."

He walked back to Gianna's house, the anger in him was not gone yet.

He pulled out his set of keys and opened the door calling her name. She looked incredibly worried and he wanted nothing more than to get the look off her face.

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