Chapter 19: Better Half

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"When's Donna getting back?"

Opie continued his work on the bike as he answered Jax. "This morning." He paused and looked up as Jax picked up another tool. "You haven't said much to me since Oakland."

Jax wasn't upset with Opie about what went on and he didn't want him believing that at all. "I don't got much to say, I guess."

Opie didn't meet his eyes. "You were right. I wasn't ready."

Jax felt somewhat relieved that he wasn't the one that had to tell him that. That Opie had figured it out all on his own. "It's done bro." Walking over to Opie's side of the bike they were working on, Jax kept working "You doing all right with all that?"

"I'm just a bit out of practice dealing with that shit, you know?"

Jax nodded, "Yeah. Well, it's about something bigger, man. Club, family."

"And that got you past it?"

Jax looked at Opie for a second before nodding. "Yeah."


"Hey Don, its Gigi. Just wanted to make sure you and the kids were doing me back...please." Third voicemail she had left Donna and still no reply. She hoped whatever was going on with her and Opie would be resolved soon. She missed her friend so much and she didn't want their marriage to end up horribly. Picking up her duffel bag, she walked out of Jax's room and into the main part of the clubhouse, saying hello to some of the men inside before walking out and finding Jax and her friend.

"Hey." she said quietly as to not disturb their work flow. "I gotta head up to the studio for a bit for some classes. Pick me up after and we can go see Abel or something?" She let Jax know and he nodded kissing her softly on the lips before going back to the bike. Opie kissed her on the forehead and told her to be careful driving.

"Tell your wife, that if I have to call her one more time I will personally beat her ass. Best friends shouldn't leave like that without telling anyone." Opie smiled and nodded slightly.

"She'll back sometime today you can tell her that yourself." he turned back to the bike but Gianna wasn't finished.

"Op I don't know what's going on with you and Donna but if it's anything I can do to help-"

"Thanks Gi but I don't think any help is going to work here." Gianna could hear the sadness in his voie and it took all of her not to cry for him. She needed to figure out a way to fix this but first she needed to find the reason behind it.

Getting into her car, she drove into town and parked in her regular spot as she got to the studio. There was about 45 minutes left before they opened the doors which gave her enough time to get the place set up. She placed her bag in her office and took out her yoga pants and sports bra. After putting on her clothes and putting her hair up in a high ponytail, she got the studio ready, setting up yoga mats and different equipment they would be using that day in places where her students would find easy access to it. She picked out the music they would be listening to during the classes and before she knew it, students were already lined up outside the closed door. Smiling she let them in greeting every one of them like she always did. That's what she loved about living in a small town, she easily knew everybody that came into her class. She could build a sort of trust and friendship between these people.

"I hope you guys are ready because today is going to be a fun class!" Gianna's voice was friendly and happy, like always. She was ready to get this class rolling.


Two hours later Gianna was well into her second class when a knock on the glass door interrupted her class. She looked up from her bent down position and saw a blonde woman dressed in a pant suit standing in the doorway. Her smile being anything but polite. Gianna could see right through it.

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