Chapter 10: Patch Over

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"Tara." Gianna knocked on the door as she entered the home of her friend. She heard her faintly say she would be right out. "Hey. Ready to go?"

Tara nodded and grabbed her purse, locking up and walking to her car. She had to take her to Teller-Morrow and then Gianna was going to drive them back into town on her bike. Her car needed fixing up too. Gianna and Tara walked out down the steps but they both paused when they saw what was on Tara's windshield. "That's cute....right? That's not weird that random flower petals are on your car?" she was confused to say the least but Tara seemed to know where this was coming from.

"Get on your bike, I forgot something in my room, be right back." She quickly went back into her house and a few minutes later she emerged ready to go. "Let's go." She got into the car and the two women drove off to Teller-Morrow.


"Hale flagged Bluebird as our gun warehouse. He's pissed off we made Unser crush the case and he called in the feds. I think it's gotta be about us."

Bobby nodded. "That'd be my guess."

"And we've got a garage full of 25 to life."

"Any place we store those guns it leads a trail back to us..." The room became silent as they took in the problem on their hands.

An idea struck Jax and he looked over at Clay. "We got that call from Jury last week." As the rest of the group listened, he explained. "Mayans pressing the Devil's Tribe to pay a vig to keep running book and pussy out of Nevada. Look, maybe I do ride to Indian Hills. I offer Jury some advice; he offers our AK's a safe house.

Juice shook his head. "No. No, that's a risky ride brother. Knowing Nevada's Mayan territory? They're still looking to settle the score from our little raid."

Bobby nodded in agreement. "The Mayans know that the Tribe's a brother club. Part of asking for that vig is about shitting on us. They knew Jury would call. They're gonna be watching."

They had no other choice. Jax had a kid to look after now...he couldn't do that behind bars.

He looked at Bobby. "That's what I'm saying. That's why just me and you go, under the radar. We bring the guns in the same way."

As long as they all kept a low profile, Clay was on board. "And you think Jury will be on board?" Jax chuckled.

"Shit, my dad saved his ass in Tay Ninh. He owes the Tellers a chit." Jax smiled and blew smoke from his cigarette.

Walking out to the bikes, Jax couldn't help but feel a little excited. Shit had been tense around here, with his son and Gianna. A couple days away seemed like a good idea.

Before Jax and Bobby could leave, an old black Cutlass rolled into the lot followed by a beautiful leggy blonde on a mototcycle. The blonde on the bike had his heart stopping for a minute. Jusg when he thought he could forget about her before this ride. Her tight outfit which consisted of tight, almost painted on jeans, a red camisole with a blue crop tie-up shirt on top and black lace up boots made his hands itch to touch her. Her blonde hair was let down in waves and had a red bandana tied up as a headband. She took off her glasses and her emerald greens twinkled in the sunlight as she smiled at him. At that moment, he was sure she was the most beautiful thing he'd ever seen in his life. He had to figure out a way to get her off of his mind or he would not be going on this job.

Looking over to Bobby he started to take his helmet back off. "Alright, gimme a minute."

Bobby loved Gianna like she was his own daughter but damn did she have horrible timing. He'd known Jackson Teller since he was a kid and he knew that no matter what the case, Gianna was the first thing on his mind. And that was sometimes not a very good thing. "Yeah, I'll find you."

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