Chapter 20: Capybara

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"Okay, so I figured Abel's room needs a little more remodeling. I got this color for the walls, what do you think?" Gianna pulled out a sample color card and showed Jax. It was a soft, pastel blue that would go great with all his toys and bedroom set Gemma and she bought not long ago. Jax smiled nodded, liking the color.

"I think it'll look great. You doing that today?" He leaned back on his bed as she sat across from him. She shrugs.

"Maybe. Depends on what's going on today. Tara needed me to run to the hospital in a few so probably sometime in the afternoon yeah."

"Well at least-"he was interrupted by the sound of the doors to the clubhouse slamming open and broken glass. Gianna looked over at the door and moved closer to Jax as he got up from the bed.

They could hear screaming and shouting from what he assumed were agents and he pulled out a piece he was carrying in his jeans and placed it on the bed, walking to the closed doors. "Stay here." he whispered and walked out just as they had everyone faced down with their arms behind their backs.

"Robert Munson, you are under arrest for the murder of Brenan Hefner. "You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used in a court of law." They placed Bobby in handcuffs and had him escorted out just as Stahl came in with a huge smirk on her face. After what Otto did to her, she realized that these guys should not underestimate her. She was done taking the easy way on this case. She was going to bury these guys. She didn't care what she had to do in the process.

She looked at each every one of these criminals' faces and smiled victoriously. Before leaving, she turned back around to face Jax who was glaring at her. "Please tell the lovely Gianna Kroes not to get so comfortable. I'll be coming for her next." She grinned. "She'll look beautiful in orange don't you think?" Jax and the others tried to get out of the agents grips to get to Stahl for threatening Gianna. Stahl knew that Gianna was a weakness to the club. She was like a daughter and a sister to them. It would be such tragic losses if they had to witness Gianna go out in cuffs just like Bobby.

As soon as A.T.F was gone, Gianna ran to the main room and saw all the Sons and Gemma help each other up from there laying position. She heard what Stahl's had told Jax and tried not to let her nerves get the best of her.

"Everyone alright?" she asked as she moved closer to Gemma who was clutching her side in pain. She heard groans and yeses come from the brothers and she sighed in relief that no one got hurt.

"Chapel. Now." was all Clay said and the men nodded ready to follow their President.

"I'm going to go. Call me if you need anything." Gianna left Gemma and grabbed her purse ready to leave, if a strong hand did not stop her.

"What the hell are you doing? You're not going anywhere." Jax stopped her and the guys looked over at them worried.

"Excuse me?" she asked him, her voice raising a bit.

"Stahl is ready to take you out in handcuffs and send you back to Florida. It's best if you stay low for a while."

"Jax, I have a million things I have to do today. I'm not going go and hide some-" she gasped when Jax grabbed her purse and threw it behind the bar before yelling at her.

"You're not getting it! We can't protect you if you get sent into their hands. You're staying here where I can keep an eye on you and know you're safe. End of discussion." The sound of her hand meeting his cheek surprised everyone in the room. Jax's face was red with anger as he let out a low growl in the back of his throat.

"Who the hell do you think you're talking to? I am not your old lady. You don't get to tell me what to do. I'm not gonna go cower off into your room like some scared little girl. Stahl likes making threats, the bitch can come get me herself. I am not running." she replied firmly and confidently. She turned to walk out of the clubhouse but Jax blocked her way. Who the hell was she to talk to him like that? In front of his brothers. "Get out of my way Jax." Their stare was so intense; no one knew what to do at this point. Clay sighed and decided to be the one to step up.

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