Chapter 3: Moving On

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The one year anniversary of her parent's death was coming up. Since moving back to Charming, Gianna finished college and got her master's degree in buisness and Physical Therapy. With the help of Clay, Gemma and the rest of the club members, she got an empty store in the small town that she transformed into a yoga studio. She knew she wanted to have her own business and with her degree with Physical Therapy, she figured a yoga studio was the best way to get started. She wanted to help people with the best way she new how.

Her parent's left her a fairly good inheritance. She knew absolutely nothing about it, but the FBI didn't see it that way. A few months after everything went down; the FBI cane knocking on the Morrows door looking for Gianna. They took her in for questioning and after many grueling days talking and reliving the bad experience, they came to the conclusion she did not have anything to do with her parent's deaths and they let her go. She was very thankful for the money her parents saved up for her. She got the oppertunity to fix up the studio, get a new car (she couldn't rely on her bike forever) and she is now moved into a fairly nice apartment. Life was looking good for her.

The boys made her feel very welcome as well. They threw her a huge 18th birthday party at the club house but let's be honest the party was for them to get drunk and laid. But Gianna didn't care. Just the thought was all that mattered.

Gianna was in her bedroom getting her clothes of the boxes she brought from Gemma's house. A knock interrupted what she was doing and she walked over to open it.

"Hey come on in." she smiled as Jax walked inside. This whole time, Jax had been nothing but great to her. She really felt like she got her best friend back. It was as if she never left.

"Hey got the last boxes from Ma's house. Wow you really did a lot with place." He chuckled looking around at the now furnished apartment.

"Yeah... studio doesn't open up for anothet two weeks so I wanted to have it done before then. Looks good huh?" she admired her work. Jax turned and looked over at the younger girl. She seemed like herself now. Always smiling, cracking jokes, keeping everyone around in a good mood. Jax didn't want to believe it buy he had definately seen a change in himself since she came back. And he wasn't the only one who noticed. His wife Wendy had a lot to say about his attitude this past year. But he really could not care less about her opinion. He didn't know if it was because Opie was gone but he still had a friend around or the fact that he realized that this special bond they had when they were kids never went away. And then there was Tig putting thoughts in his head about how she's legal now and free for anyone to take. He hid his jealousy quite well, but he didn't know how much longed he could take. But he had nothing to be jealous over. He was married and then there's the age difference. It wasn't so bad but he needed to controll these strange emotions.

"It looks great Gigi. Hey listen, Ma wanted me to tell you she's having a big dinner for everyone tonight. She wants you all there and you better come because you know how she gets when people don't show up." Gianna laughed and agreed to go.

"Hey maybe I can finally meet that wife of your. I've been here like a year and still haven't seen what she even looks like. She coming tonight?" she grabbed a beer from the fridge, opened it up and handed it over to him.

Unfortunately, he thought to himself. "Yeah she's coming." He tried to sound happy about it. Gianna narrowed her eyes.

"Okay what's up?" Jax looked over at her confused.


"Everytime I bring up Wendy or ask about why I haven't met her yet you get super tensed and try to avoid it." Jax sighed and took a sip if his beer.

"Wendy isn't someone I would want you to meet Gigi."

"Is she really that bad? I mean explain it to me. How bad is she?" Jax shook his head.

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