Chapter 18: Hell Followed

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Thank you to jennamcdougall for the new cover for the story!☺

Jax woke in the very quiet house of Dr. Tara Knowles. He got up and put his boxers on and sat down in the bed. Last night's events hit him as he saw Kohn's body next to the bathroom and he sighed, running his hands through his hair. He'd seen dead bodies before and most of them were dead from his own why was he feeling this way now?

"Jax?" His name came out quietly and he could hear the sadness and tiredness behind it. He looked up from his spot and saw Gianna standing in the bedroom doorway with a cup of fresh coffee. He could clearly see the cup shake in her hands as she tried to keep a poker face.

"Babe." he motioned for her to come closer and she did, sitting next to him. She placed the coffee cup down on the bedside table and rubbed her tired eyes.

"I called Tara and told her what happened last night. She's a bit shook up about it, she's going to be staying with Nick for a little while. She doesn't want to come back here for a little while after what happened, she said we're welcome to anything from here." she avoided his eyes and looked down at her lap. Jax leaned over grabbing her shaking hands in his. He kissed each hand softly rubbing his beard against them. "Jax what happened last night, was not supposed to happen. Oh my god!" she stood up pacing back and forth. "You killed someone last night. You killed an ATF agent! Jax." she stopped taking deep breaths as she tried to calm down. He stood up as well and held her against his chest, rocking her back and forth and making sure she didn't see Kohn's dead body behind him.

"Shh, it's okay baby. It's okay." He kissed her forehead and waited until he knew she was settled down.

"What do we do now?" she whispered softly. Jax sighed closing his eyes and pulling to look into her eyes.

"We aren't doing anything. You are going to stay here. You're going to get ready for the day. Pretend nothing happened."

"How am I supposed-"

"I will handle the body and I will pick you up here and we will go back to the house. You take an easy day and try to get some rest." He cut her off. Gianna didn't know what to do...she knew that she couldn't tell anyone anything. She has seen dead bodies before, her parents bodies to be exact. But to be witness of seeing someone's life get taken away from them? So quickly...was something she never wanted to experience again.

Gianna unfortunately understood that Jax was just trying to protect her and she nodded agreeing to go and freshen up. Jax looked up at the nasty bruise that had formed just above her left eyebrow. It was turning a dark blue and knew that there would not be enough make up to cover it...they would have to make something up about that. He softly kissed the bruise and rushed her out of the room, so he could do his business.

This might be over...but this nightmare might just continue for some of them.


After returning to Tara's house from dumping the body, he felt some sort of weight lifted of his shoulders when he let the body drop in the hole. His girl was safe; they would be one less ATF on their asses. Maybe if he looked at all this positively...things would seem better.

Walking into the quiet house, he saw Gianna come out of the shower in a black towel. She avoided the spot that Kohn's body laid as she walked out. Her long blonde hair hung loose and wet around her making her normal tan skin, look pale and clammy. This was taking a huge toll on her body. He sighed walking over and kissing the tip of nose, wrapping his arms around her waist.

"I'm gonna shower and then I'll get you out of here alright." She nodded against his chest kissing the center of his dark blue hoodie before pulling away.

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