Chapter 2: The Funeral

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It's been an entire week since I last saw Kayleen and Andrew. Did I think they went into to the light? Yeah I did but the sad part about that is part of me hoped they didn't. I mean... I never got to say goodbye to them in a respectful manner. Instead I saw them... Threw up and then passed out. Not the way I wanted it to go.

Today is the day of their funerals. The two families decided to have it at the same time instead of having to do it at two different times in the week. Thought they'd make the grieving process easier on everyone.

I was told by both Kayleen's mom and Andrew's mom to write the eulogy. Which I see why they choose me to do it because that's what Andrew and Kayleen would've wanted but I don't think I'm ready to write a speech about them in front of both their families just yet.

Basically that's me trying to say I haven't even started the eulogy yet and the funeral is in about 2 hours. So that's also part of my dilemma.

I sat down at my desk inside my old room and began to write both their eulogies. The hard part wasn't remembering amazing memories I had with them or the way to write it out but the fact that all these memories will never happen again and the only thing I'm doing is relieving things I'll never have again in my life. That was the hard part.

I wrote for about a subtle 30min on Kayleen's eulogy and now it was time to write Andrew's. But as soon as I was about to write a cold brush of air skimmed across my warm neck.

I turned my body to see James standing behind me.

"James. What are you doing?" I asked turning my chair around to face him.

"They asked me to check up on you." He said sitting on my bed.

"They?" I asked confused on who he was talking about. Then it hit me. Was he talking about Andrew and Kayleen?

"Andrew and Kayleen?" I asked quietly.

Jame shook his head left to right. "No, not them... The other people."

"James... I don't understand. What other people?"

"They said you'll see them again soon. That's all. OH! And they also said I'll see my parents soon too" James said getting excited bouncing up and down on my bed.

I turned back toward my desk and picked up my pencil. Who is he talking about? Or who are they that he's talking about?

I turned around quickly to ask him one last question but as soon as I turned around he was gone.


( At The Cemetery )

Ryan drove with me to the funeral. We didn't talk much because he understood what I was going through. I mean he never had two of his best friends die but he knew how my feelings were and that I was in no way wanting to talk right now.

Ryan placed a hand on my thigh as we were parked just as I was about to get out of the car.

"If you need anything Lydia. Like a quick get away from anyone. Just let me know. I'm here for you." Ryan said with his signature smile that I've fallen in love with.

Whenever he would smile it would always make me happier. Even in a time like this. His smile, for a few seconds as I stared at his white perfect teeth. Made me forget all about what was about to happen.

We got out of the car and walked to where the funeral was being held. I saw Andrew's and Kayleen's mom waiting at the front greeting people as they came past.

See you soon (Ghost Whisperer Fanfic-Sequel to "More Than Meets the Eye"Where stories live. Discover now