Chapter 5: Back To School

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I groaned as my eyes opened to the brightness of the sun piercing through the room. Ryan slept over last night and I could still feel his warm arms around my waist holding me tightly to his bare warm chest.

I scooted out of bed holding his arm up so it wouldn't fall directly down causing him to wake up. He had class at nine while I had class at seven thirty. He was lucky. I had to switch up my schedule because I was gone for so long. I had missed so much in my chemistry class that I now had to take a faster paced course earlier in the day. It sucked but I needed it if I was going to become an FBI agent. But luckily me and him still have criminal justice together. The class where we had met...

I placed his arm softly back on the bed not waking him up. I grabbed a few stuff from my dresser drawer and walked over to the bathroom to change and get ready. It didn't take me long to get ready. I had a perfect amount of time to get to class.

I grabbed my bag that held my book, my notebook, and my pens and pencils. I left the room quickly shutting the door softly not wanting to wake him up.

I wrote him a little note placing it on the living  room table just in case he forgot that I had class and woke up freaking out because I wasn't here.

Note: Left to class(: I'll cya at criminal justice babe! I love you! Also can you grab me a cup of coffee on the way to class because it is way to fucking early for my ass to be up lol byeeeee

I opened the door and exited but as soon as I left I bumped into someone hard causing both of us to fall backwards. We didn't fall completely over though which was lucky of us because we collided hard.

"I'm so sorry!" I yelled frantically not looking at whoever I had just slammed into.

I heard a familiar chuckle and looked up at the person. "It's okay..." Keegan said with a soft smile. Only one side of his face was curved up into a smile. Basically he was smirking.

I chuckled softly a tad embarrassed. "Why does this keep happening to us?" I chuckled awkwardly tugging a piece of my brown reddish hair that had fallen out of place back behind my ear.

"It's fate... It was meant to happen." Keegan said with a soft chuckle as he played with his fingers. I could tell he was nervous. I was even nervous and I had no idea why I was so nervous.

"Where are you off to so early? Not that I'm meaning to pry or anything but-" I was cut off as I started to trail off not knowing how to continue. I was kinda hoping he'd cut me off.

"I'm off to class. Chemistry unfortunately..." He said groaning not wanting to go obviously.

"Hey me too... But same" I said chuckling. "I don't wanna go either."

He smiled at me and took a second to think. There was a bit of silence for a second. Not awkward silence. A weird soothing silence.

"Maybe we can go together." He said biting his lip obviously nervous of what I was going to say.

I nodded my head and chuckled. "I'd love to."

He bit his lip even harder holding back his smile. He turned and started walking. "I'll lead the way."


Once we arrived at the campus it was seven fifteen. We still had a good fifteen minutes before class started.

I did realize though everyone was looking at me weirdly. Some with confusion on why I was here. Some of sympathy. I knew exactly why they were looking at me. It's not every day two students end up getting into a plane accident and die leaving their best friend alone in a city with no one she knows. Well Ryan and now Keegan but before hand it would've been just me and everyone here knew that. Weird how even though it's college I still feel like I'm back in high school and everyone is staring at me and thinking I'm a weird person.

I brushed off all the looks and continued to follow Keegan to the chemistry building.

"Well well... If it isn't the seeing dead people girl herself." A familiar voice said from behind me. I hadn't seen or heard from this guy in awhile. I kinda wish it would've stayed that way.

I turned around and of course it was him...Damien.

"What do you want?" I asked crossing my arms.

"I just wanted to check up on you after all that had happened..." He said holding his hand to his chest. "No need to get feisty with me." He said with a small smirk coming across his face.

I shook my head "Get out of here before you make me cause a scene." I said turning around angrily rolling my eyes.

"Hey!" He yelled grabbing my arm yanking me back.

"Ow!" I cried quietly grabbing his arm trying to pull him off. He seemed so strong even though he looked so tiny and small. He looked like a twig that anyone could break but I guess looks can be deceiving. Or I'm just a weak piece of ass. And that thought was totally correct as Keegan ran up to him pushing him off of me like it was nothing. So either Keegan was really strong or I'm just super weak. At this point I'm assuming it's both.

"Don't ever touch her again..." Keegan said with his teeth clenched together.

Damien stood up and got in Keegan's face. "I'd watch it if I were you. You have no idea what you're getting your self into."

"Speaking of. Lydia... What happened to your dear old Ryan? Where is he at?" Damien said crossing his arms looking at me with his eyebrows crunched together.

"At home...." I said softly.

"Sorry mate, she's taken..." Damien said with a smirk looking back at Keegan now.

"She's just my friend nothing more... Now get out of here!" Keegan yelled pointing at the opposite direction from us.

Damien lifted up his hands and started backing away. "Whatever, I'm leaving..." He said as he slowly walked away backwards.

"Oh but Lydia..." He said with a small smirk coming over his super pale face.

"I'll see you soon..."

I felt a cold chill run down my back. The way he said it scared me. I felt scared. I hadn't felt like this since James...

"Come on let's go... We're going to be late to class." Keegan said wrapping his arm around me pulling me into a protective hug.

I'll admit that once he did that I did feel safer but still... What did he mean by that. Why did he say it like that. Also what did he mean by when he said to Keegan that he had no idea what he was getting himself into? Was he talking about my gift? Or something else... Something worse.....

"Do you mind if I ask you something before we get inside?" Keegan asked as we stood at the class door.

"Yeah sure what is it?" I asked looking at him suspiciously.

"Well when that guy Damien or whatever called you out... He said seeing dead people girl... Maybe it's just a joke or something but it was definitely weird... Was there a meaning or something behind it?" Keegan asked curiously.

I didn't know what to say. I couldn't tell him the truth. I barely knew him and if I did tell him he'd probably think I was crazy.

"It's fine... You don't have to tell me." Keegan grabbed the door handle about to open the door.

"No, it's fine..." I said chuckling awkwardly.

"It's just a joke..."

Keegan nodded not sure on if he believed me or not but he just shrugged his shoulders and opened the door for me.

"Lady's first.." He said swaying his hand for me to enter.

I smiled and curtsied. "Why thank you..."

He chuckled and followed in after me.

I dodged a bullet with that one. Was Damien really trying to out me? What was his issue? Why me? What problem did he have with me....

Authors Note~ This was basically filler but hope you still liked it!! Don't forget to vote!!! <333

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