Chapter 21: Taken

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My eyes opened to a dark room. I couldn't see anything. The air smelt weird. It smelt like old burnt wood. I had no idea where I was or how I got here.

I was sitting down. My hands tied behind the chair I was sitting in. They were tied with ropes along with my feet. I could barely move.

I heard a door creak open. I held my breathe and closed my eyes shut making it seem like I was still unconscious even if the per-- Damien... Even if Damien the one who took me knew I was awake.

That bastard. I should've listened to Kayleen and Andrew and Keegan... Hell even Ryan when they all told me he was a bad guy and to stay away from him.

"Rise and shine baby." He said flicking the light on which caused my eyes to shoot open burning at the stinging of the light.

"Ahhh..." I groaned closing my eyes tightly shut.

"I'm sorry is it too bright in here for you? Don't worry you'll get used to it."

"Wha-- why? Why are you doing this?" I asked slowly letting my eyes get used to the light.

"Like I've said before. You're the one my boss wants. And well I just can't resist you." He walked up and kneeled by me his face near inches from mine.

"You're just soooo irresistible" He smirked and leaned forward kissing my forehead.

I shook away from him bending my head backwards as far as I could to get away from him.

"You're disgusting" I said clenching my teeth together.

He chuckled and then went silent for a moment. The next thing I knew his fist was against my face.

A piercing pain went directly to my lip which now had a cut on it and was bleeding. I felt my entire face heat up as well.

"You should be a bit nicer. I mean if you truly want I could kill you right here and right now."

I sucked on my lip to get the blood off of it. "Keegan and them will come and save me."

Damien chuckled and started walking toward the exit. "I wouldn't be too sure about that."

Damien opened the wooden door and left.

I examined the room now that the light was on and my eyes were open and used to the light. I was right about the smell. The wood building we were in was slightly chard and you could tell where most of it turned completely into ash.

I looked down at my feet which were tied to the chair. I tried wiggling free but to no avail. I turned my head to look behind me at my hands. They weren't as tightly tied as my feet were but still me wiggling wasn't the only way I was going to get out of here.

Wait... I have an idea. It may be a stupid idea but at least it's an idea. The only problem is. I have to wait till Damien gets back.


I slept a little. Surprisingly I actually slept. The only reason for that was because I kept wiggling trying to get out of these damn ropes for about two hours or at least that's what it felt like. I had no perception of time in this place. No windows. No clocks. Nothing. It just felt like forever.

The door swung open and Damien walked in. "Ahh my good little bunny. You didn't move or try to get free. Good good!"

"Why don't you just kill me now? I mean you are going to eventually right?" I said looking at him with a glare.

"Yes... Yes I am going to kill you. But I wanna wait until the perfect timing." He said with a smirk as he caressed my face with his finger.

I pulled away and groaned. "Could you at least loosen these ropes. I'm pretty sure I'm starting to lose circulation."

He rolled his eyes. "You'll run away if I do that. And then I'll regret it. And then I'll have to chase you down. And knock you out all over again but this time forcefully with my fist."

"I promise I won't." I said with a straight face.

"I mean if you do it'll just turn out worse for you." He said walking behind me untying my ropes a little and then coming back in front of me to untie my feet ropes a tad.

"Thanks..." I said softly.

He finished and stayed knelt by my feet. He looked up at me and smiled. "You're welcome."

"But you know you were right." I said as I started to pull my hands lose of the ropes behind me.

"You were going to regret this." I said before I ripped my arms out of the rope head butting Damien directly in the head sending him falling backwards yelling in pain.

I admit that head butt hurt like a bitch and my head was definitely going to have a bruise on it later but I had to do it.

I pushed myself up a little even though my feet were still tied and I pushed myself back down on the ground landing directly on the chair breaking it. I pulled my legs out of the rope and grabbed a piece of the broken wooden chair for a weapon.

I ran toward the door and swung it open. Slamming it shut behind me.

"You better run bitch! I'm coming for you!" He yelled.

I ran down the door to another room which was directly down the hall. There were so many rooms just in this one hall way. I had no idea on where to go or how I was going to get out of here. My only idea and plan was to get out of that one room and that's it. Now that I've gotten this far I don't exactly know where else to go.

Authors Note ~ Things are picking up! What do you think is going to happen to Lydia? Think she'll make it out of here? Or do you think Damien is going to find her and make her regret her decision of trying to escape? Guess you'll have to wait till chapter 23 considering the next chapter is going to be Keegan's POV. Don't forget to Vote! <3 (;

See you soon (Ghost Whisperer Fanfic-Sequel to &quot;More Than Meets the Eye&quot;Where stories live. Discover now