Chapter 14: Parents & Outbursts

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Ryan and I spent a lot of the time consulting doctors on his cancer. A lot of them said he had a good chance of being cured of it again like when he was child. Even with his chances of death being higher.

They said for him to take it slow because well of what happened when he was younger. I also tell him to take it slow but he doesn't listen to me.

All he wants is to go sky diving or take a trip to some tropical island some where in the middle of God knows where. Which I want to do all those things with him... I'm just scared of what could go wrong. Plus with all this news of Damien and his evil spirits I don't think now is a good time to pick everything up and just leave.

Well, I guess now would actually be the perfect time to just pick up everything and leave. Considering we'd be getting away from Damien. But his spirits would still be able to follow us.

Ryan's cancer though would still be a problem. Before we do anything crazy like sky diving or traveling to some deserted island. I want him to be 100% cured of his cancer. I don't want anything bad happening like last time when I left LA. Last time both my best friends ended dying. Granted they're still here to this day. I just don't wanna take the chances.

"Hey babe could you grab me my jacket from the closet" Ryan asked me as he tried getting his adidas black shoes on.

We were heading out to a small cafe just outside of the LA city area for some nice closed out seclusion. Sometimes the city life could get hectic. But I definitely still love the city life more than the country life.

"Yeah babe. Did you want your black jacket, the brown one, or your leather black one?" I asked holding all three of them up in my arms.

Ryan stared for a second before he finally pointed and he was deciding on taking his black leather one.

I tossed it to him and grabbed my jacket as well. Although we did live in LA sometimes it gets a little chilly outside at night. It may seem like it's constantly warm. But when the sun is gone and it gets in the 50's that shit gets cold.

I put on my jacket and reached for the door handle to open it just when there was a knock at the door.

"Who is that?" Ryan asked putting on his jacket.

"I'm not sure... I don't know who it could be." I said opening up the door.

Two people a man and a woman that looked to be in their 50's stood in front of me.

"Hello? Can I help you?" I asked not fully opening the door.

"Yes are you Lydia Balke?" She asked with a smile across her face.

I looked from her to the other man that was with her. "Yes that is me? Do I know you?" I asked questioning myself if I should slam the door shut or not.

"Well you should dear! We're your mother and father in law!" The woman said wrapping her arms around me pulling me into a tight embrace.

"Oh!" I said awkwardly holding my arms behind her not hugging her back.

"Mom! Dad!" Ryan said in shock walking over to the door.

"My boy!" His father said grabbing him and pulling him into a tight embrace as well.

As they were both hugging us me and Ryan made awkward eye contact.

I mouthed to him silently "Did you know they were coming!?"

He mouthed back "No! I had no idea!"

"It's good to see you again Ryan! It's been too long my sweet boy!" His mom said now pulling him into a tight hug.

See you soon (Ghost Whisperer Fanfic-Sequel to "More Than Meets the Eye"Where stories live. Discover now