Chapter 8: Leave Me Alone

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I waited a few days to tell my mom about mine and Ryan's engagement... Just cause I know she would think that it was rushed and I probably only said yes because it was in the heat of the moment which yes it was rushed but I didn't say yes because it was in the heat of the moment. I said yes because I love him. And after like forty five minutes of me explaining that to her she finally understood and accepted mine and his engagement.

Ryan's parents were astounded by the news. Even though I haven't met them yet they still knew so much about me because of Ryan. But I knew very little of them. The reason for that was because Ryan's dad was a very successful corporate owner. And his mom was one of the best surgeons in the country. They traveled a lot all over the place from here in the United States to all the way in the middle of The European countries. Basically they went all over the place.

Once both our families knew about our engagement. They wanted everything to do with us. I swear we would get ten calls in the span of two hours talking about our wedding and when it was going to be and where it should be and how it should be. Which it was kinda annoying hearing what they all wanted for it. This was going to be Ryan and I's day... No one else's.

I want to wait a bit though. Normally people can be engaged for a month or a few months some even go up to years. I'm leaning more for the year type of waiting. Just because this was all rushed I'll admit. I haven't even met his parents yet and we were already getting married. A year would give us plenty of time to settle down and know everything about each other. Which basically we already did but I needed to know more than just the basic stuff.

Since it was now January 5th I had to start preparing to go back to classes. Even though classes didn't start for like another week I still wanted to be fully prepared.

I went out by myself to get some supplies. I left Ryan at his place because he needed to clean up and stuff. His place had seemed like a tornado has gone through it since most of the time he stays with me because I don't wanna be alone. Which come on... It's understandable...

"Thank you" I said to the clerk at the desk as I grabbed all my bags full of school supplies and house necessities.

I exited out the store and into the streets of LA. I truly loved it here. Everyone was doing something it was never peaceful here. It was always busy. Almost like New York but New York was one hundred times worse than Los Angeles that's for sure.

I decided I was a bit hungry since I haven't eaten yet today and it was already coming around two in the afternoon.

There was this nice little small cafe down the street that I decided I'd go to and just get a sandwich and a mint cappuccino from.

As I was walking I wasn't really paying attention to where I was walking. I was to busy texting and looking at the inside of my bags even though I already knew what was inside of them.

I collided into someone and quickly apologized as I realized how big of an idiot I am.

"Oh my gosh I'm so so sorry... I wasn't paying attention..." I said quickly looking up at them.

Of course it was Damien of all people.

"Damien... Of course...."

"Why hello love... Looks like we just keep getting drawn together by fate." He said with a little smirk as he eyed me from head to toe.

"Highly doubt that..." I said rolling my eyes looking away from him.

"Oh come on... Why do you always have to be so... So mean... I mean I love the feistiness but damn sometimes it hurts..."

I scoffed and started to walk away. "Sorry I don't have time for you today. I have places to be..."

He ran up in front of me stopping me in my tracks. I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms with my bags still in my hands.

"Can you just leave me alone... For once.." I said annoyed.

"What's that I see?" He said with a smirk looking at my body as if something was on it.

"What's what?" I said looking down at myself now a little bit self conscience of what I'm wearing.

"That on your finger... Is that a ring?" He said with wide eyes.

"Yes... Yes it is...."

"You're getting married?" He said crossing his arms now the smirk gone from his face.

I gulped and nodded my head. "Yes I am."

He nodded and took a step back. "Interesting..."

"So now that I'm getting married... Will you finally leave me alone."

He smiled and walked up to me with his mouth near my ear. He whispered gently into it. "On the contrary... I think I'll do quite the opposite love... I'll see you around."

He took a step back showing me his stupid little evil smirk before he walked past me.

To be honest. I was kinda scared of him. Ever since I met him the first time I've always had this weird feeling about him. Plus he's a ghost whisperer like me. But unlike me. He tells the ghost not to go into the light... But if he doesn't tell them to go into the light... Where does he tell them to go.

AUTHORS NOTE~ So I just wanted to upload a quick chapter... Yes it's short but it's Christmas and I wanted to put a chapter up! Oh duh... Merry Christmas everyone!!!! Hope you all had a great holiday! And to Lydia I love you and I hope you had a great day! Also it was Louis Tomlinson's birthday yesterday... He's so fucking cute OMG and so Smol he kills me oh my god!!! Anyways! Enough with this authors note! Thanks for reading! I love you all!<3

See you soon (Ghost Whisperer Fanfic-Sequel to &quot;More Than Meets the Eye&quot;Where stories live. Discover now