Chapter 11: Childhood

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My words caught in my throat. I didn't know what to say or what to do. I was too in shock to even think.

"You have what...?" I said finally getting out a few words. My breath was still caught in my throat and it made my words come out almost like a whisper.

"I have cancer...." He said again this time it was faster and more aggressively said than the last time.

"I don't understand..."

I put my hand to my stomach as I felt myself about to throw up.

"Lydia I have to tell you a bit about my past...."

* Flashback *

( Ryan's POV )

"So that's it.... I'm 12 years old and I'm going to die from cancer?" I said sitting in the hospital bed. Fidgeting with the gown that I had to wear.

"Sweetie... You're not going to die... You'll be fine..." My mother said to me as she tucked the hospital blankets into my side.

"You heard the doctor mom... I have a 50% chance of surviving... Especially cause we caught it so late..."

"Ryan... Stop... You can't think like that.. You have to think of the future and all the great things you'll do... All the great people you'll meet... You have to look toward that... You have to keep holding on okay... Baby I know it's tough but we'll make it through..."

My mom walked over to me and sat on the bed wrapping her arms around me rocking me back and forth. I always loved when she would do this. Hold me and rock me.

"It'll all be okay... I promise..." She said softly in a slight whisper.

* End of Flashback *

"You had cancer as a kid... Why did you never tell me?" Lydia said with a cracked voice as she tried to hold back the tears that were forming in her beautiful greenish blue eyes that I've fall so madly in love with.

"I didn't think it'd ever come up... I mean I planned on telling you one day but... I don't know... I never thought it'd come back.." I said playing with my fingers as I could tell it was a mistake not telling her earlier.

"What's your percentage now... Please tell me its at least above a 50%"

"The doctors said that with being an adult it'll be worse... My chances of surviving are lowered especially if it reaches the brain or my spine... right now since its at stage 2 that I have a 35% chance... But with chemo or some other type of treatment it could be higher than that... We have to wait and see"

Lydia nodded her head and stood up. "I need to get air for a second... Lydia opened the door and left my apartment. I thought about following her but I wasn't sure if that's what she wanted. But I didn't care if she didn't want me to follow her. I needed too... I needed to be with her right now or else my world would shatter into a million pieces... Even more than it already has.

"Lydia are you alright..." I said as I stood next to her outside as the cool wind of a nice sunny day blew against our skin.

She shook her head wiping away the tears that slowly feel off her face. "No I'm not okay... You have cancer and you never told me that you had it before when you were 12 years old..."

See you soon (Ghost Whisperer Fanfic-Sequel to "More Than Meets the Eye"Where stories live. Discover now