Flawed Perfection Ch. 1

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 This is my first story sooo...I hope you love it and review. The picture is of Charlotte :D


 I walked into my dance studio, bag in hand. "Hey Charlotte." my best friend Hazel said as she hugged me. "How've you been?" she asked as we sat down on the couch waiting for class to start.

 "Eh I've been pretty good. School's been tough." I answered as I pulled out my pointe shoes. Hazel nodded in agreement and pulled out hers.  

 We both take ballet at our studio, here in New York. I've been dancing since I was three, and Hazel since she was five. There are a lot of others here that take ballet with me, but half the time they're mean to Hazel and me because we're the youngest. I try to focus on the good things in my life, like my boyfriend Luke. I also have a younger brother Dan, and my mom and dad. They support me so much because I use up a lot of my time here. I want to be a professional dancer and possibly get into Joffrey Ballet Company.

 "Char, it's time to go in." Hazel said smiling as she pulled me up from the couch. 

 "Ok." I said and walked in checking to make sure I tied my shoes correctly. I looked around and saw my teacher and all the girls and a few guys.  The guys glanced at us and smirked turning back to their girlfriends. The three of them are both 25 while I'm 18 and Hazel is 17. They both think they're so cool because they're older and can do steps better than us.

 "Ignore them." Hazel muttered as she dragged me over to the bar. She knows they sometimes get to me. 

 "Attention." Ms. Corey said. "Class will begin now." she said and proceeded to show us plie combination. Hazel glanced over at me. It wasn't hard to tell she was checking to see I was ok. I shook my head and focused my attention on Ms. Corey. I don't need to give anyone another reason to make fun of me if I screw this up. She started the music and I stood in first position and started. I could see Hazel still glancing at me through the mirror. I rolled my eyes and focused on doing it right.

 Ms. Corey walked up to me. "Charlotte, we've been through this. You have to get your arms right." she said exasperatedly and moved my arms so they were correct. I blushed darkly.

 "Sorry. I'll get it right." I said trying not to fumble over the next steps. One of the older girls started snickering at me and I blushed darker and paid extra attention to the rest of class. Hazel glanced sympathetically at me when Ms. Corey turned around. 

 'I'm sorry.' she mouthed turning back to finish the combination. I bit my lip and looked down. "Eyes up Ms. Jarrel." the teacher said to me. I stared straight ahead still pink in the face.

 After Class 

I sighed and walked out into the lobby. "That was tough." I told Hazel as I sat down to take off my shoes. Hazel nodded wiping the sweat off her forehead and sat down next to me. 

 "I can't believe how many jumps we had to do." she said as she started to undo the knots on her shoes. 

 "But you were amazing!" I said as I rolled the ribbons up on my shoes. "It's like you were born to dance." I said as putting my shoes in my bag. Hazel blushed and put her shoes away, grabbing her lunch.

 "So what do you have?" she asked opening her bag. I shrugged searching my bag. 

 "My mom said she would today." I replied and pulled out my lunch. "Man she packed me so much!" I said looking inside. Hazel peered in.

 "Kinda. You better not eat all of it. You could get nauseous." she said picking out her sandwich. I nodded looking at it all. 

 "I don't even think I could eat all of it if I tried." I said pulling out a big sandwich, an apple, some chips, a brownie, and a water bottle. "God, it's like she's trying to stuff me!" I said breaking the sandwich in half.

 Three of the girls walked up to me. "Wow Charlotte, trying to join the wrestling team?" one of them said snickering. I blushed and put my lunch back in my bag. I just tried to ignore them hoping they'd go away. "Well even if she wants to she doesn't have to bulk up that much." another said. I started to take down my strawberry blonde bun. 

 "Go away. No one wants to talk to you slime bags." Hazel said sneering at them. I was thankful, but that comment really stung. What if Joffrey won't except me because I'm too fat? I decided that from this point on I'd watch what I ate. Besides it's only for dance and I wouldn't stop eating altogether. I'll just cut out junk food and eat smaller portions. 

 They rolled their eyes and walked away. Hazel put an arm around me. "Forget about them." she said stealing a chip. "You're beautiful the way you are." I nodded not really listening to her. I picked at my lunch and ate only half the sandwich and the apple. Hazel looked at me worriedly so I also ate the brownie reminding myself I'd need to work it off later.


Please tell me what you think and what I can do to make it better :D

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