Flawed Perfection Ch. 2

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:D I finished this one. I read a few stories to help get a feel for how this should go. A few are in my library and you can check them out. The picture is of Hazel. :D


 I sighed as I walked out of the studio. I had just changed and was on my way to my car. I really needed to get home and take a shower. I'm still all sweaty. I stopped in front of my car and smiled. It was a black Honda CRV. My parents had gotten it for me for my birthday. I unlocked it and opened the door.

 "Hey Charlotte!" Hazel called running over to me her blonde hair flying behind her. "Did you forget? You said you'd drive me home." I face palmed. I had totally forgotten after my whole big decision thing.

 "Sorry Hazel I totally forgot. Hop in." I said and sat down. I started the car and backed out driving to her house.

 "So how're you?" Hazel ask worriedly. I rolled my eyes and kept my eyes on the road.

 "I am perfectly fine." I said clutching the wheel. Why does everyone think I can't take care of myself? Hazel shifted in her seat.

 "Well you look like you're going to kill the steering wheel." she pointed out. I scowled. "And you looked ticked off."

 "Sorry." I said and loosened my grip. "Just a rough day." I stopped at a red light and rubbed my forehead. Hazel sighed and slumped in her seat.

 "I hate those days. Makes it feel like Monday every day." she replied. I nodded in agreement and drove when the light turned green.

 "Don't let anyone put you down." Hazel said softly looking at me with big blue eyes. I rolled my eyes. 

 "I don't." I lied. Ok yes sometimes I do let people get to me a lot. Hazel raised her eyebrows as I pulled into her drive way. 

 "We're here." I said unlocking the doors. Hazel rolled her eyes and grabbed her bag.

 "Thanks." she said slightly sarcastic and got out. "See you tomorrow!" Hazel called opening her front door, and she disappeared. I sat there a few minutes and pulled out driving to my house. 

 I smiled and pulled into my driveway looking at my house. It wasn't very big but it's home. I looked at the flowers and the porch. It had a swing that I love. You could read or sometimes I would just sit with Luke. I smiled to myself and shut the car off taking the key out. I gathered my stuff and got out.

 "Hey Charlotte!" Dan, my little brother, said and raced down the hall to hug me. Dan is strange. Most people would complain about their little brothers, but Dan adores me. I help him a lot with his homework and play with him. I guess that's why he likes me.

 "You're home!" he said and hugged me making me drop my bag. 

 "Hi." I said laughing slightly and hugged him back. "How've you been?" I asked crouching down slightly. Dan is 10 and a little on the short side. Dan smiled at me.

 "I got the the next level on my video game, and I managed to pass my math test." He said sounding so excited. I smiled almost laughing.

 "That's great." I said and stood up grabbing my bag. "I'm going to take a shower, and I'll be down later." Dan nodded and walked back to tell mom and dad. I shook my head and walked upstairs.

 I went in my room and sat my bag on my bed. Finding some clothes, I sat them folded on my dresser. I stepped into the bathroom and started the shower. The hot water felt nice and helped me relax. I shampooed and shaved feeling super clean. When that was done I wrapped a towel around my hair and slipped on my robe. As I started to leave I almost tripped over the scale.

 I blinked and wondered what my weight was. Did I actually want to find out? Well if I wanted to loose weight I should set a goal for myself. I turned it on and waited for it to blink zero. I took off the towel and robe letting them fall to the floor. The bright red numbers stared at me like they were looking into my soul. It shifted under my weight and started flickering between numbers. 

 121 it read. I blinked. I was 5'4 and I weighed that much? I stepped off and watched it shut down. Looking in the mirror I looked at myself. I poked my stomach and glanced at my thighs. I'd have to start there. They were huge. I shook my head and put my robe back on.

 "Charlotte dinner!" My mom called up the stairs. I bit my lip and hung the towel up.

 "Down in a minute!" I called back and went back into my room to change. Pulling my shirt over my head, I heard my brother pounding up the stairs. I quickly squirmed into my clothes almost falling over in the process.

 "Mom says you're taking too long." Dan said opening my door and inviting himself in. I rolled my eyes.

 "Thanks for knocking." I said sarcastically pulling my wet hair off my back. "Coming now." I told him following him down the stairs. 

 "We're having salad and steak!" He said excitedly and strolled into the dining room. I blinked. Steak? Doesn't that have like a lot of calories?

 "Great." I said dully. I'll just eat salad and maybe a piece of steak. We sat down, and mom and dad joined the table. 

 "Hey everyone." Dad said kissing me on the cheek as he sat down. "Oooh my favorite." he said taking a large piece of steak. I nodded taking a medium scoop of salad and a tiny piece of steak. Mom, dad, and Dan chatted as I ate silently. I pushed my steak around cutting it into tiny pieces.

 "So Charlotte how was dance?" My mom asked kindly. I shrugged and put a small bit of salad in my mouth. My mom looked worried.

 "Are you feeling alright?" she asked reaching over to feel my forehead. 

 "I just feel a little under the weather." I lied. "Can I go to bed?" My mom nodded giving me a warm smiled and I got up walking up to my bedroom. I flopped on my bed not bothering to change into pajamas. Dreams greeted me quickly, and I fell asleep fast.


I hope you liked this one. It's longer too! :) Please read and review!!! 

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