Flawed Perfection Ch. 16

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Alright :P please don't hate me for not uploading! I know I didn't keep to my schedule DX but I just had issues trying to write this chapter *squirms* so I wrote half of it in study hall when I had inspiration XD lmao! The picture is how I kinda imagine the studio they dance in and the song is what Charlotte listens to on her I-pod and I LOVE it <3


I woke up this morning a bit late, realizing I had forgotten to set my alarm. Though that didn’t matter, I was still going to get into shape and get to 85. I was determined. The auditions were a few days away and I was going to nail the part. It would kill me if I didn’t.

I grunted slightly as I did another sit up. “43.” I breathed.

You’re going to get it Charlotte. I told myself. You’re so close.

I finished at 45, hardly able to get enough air into my lungs. My stomach burned a little as I stood up. It was almost time for lunch and there was no way I could go upstairs and eat.

 I’d taken to working out in the basement. I hadn’t realized how much of a blessing it was. No one would come downstairs in the unfinished part of our basement so no one would see me working out. It was perfect. I could never be judged or told I am weak.

There was nothing else for me to do unless I wanted to repeat my day’s exercise. Mom would surely yell at me to come upstairs and eat…. unless I didn’t hear her.

My gaze slid over to my i-pod sitting alone by the treadmill. A smile started to make it’s way onto my face as I turned it on and put in the headphones. I wouldn’t be able to hear my mom and I wouldn’t have to eat lunch. My stomach growled loudly in protest and my hands flew to it.

Shut up! I scolded. You don’t need food. You’re undeserving and fat enough as it is!

I turned on the treadmill. Maybe running more would help put my stomach to rest. It was starting to feel like it was attempting to eat itself. And it’s teeth were razor sharp.

The song playing was What Makes You Beautiful by One Direction. I smiled grimly and started the treadmill.

 That song is so plain stupid. Not every girl is beautiful and it gives girls a sense of false security. They don’t want to just go waltzing around, expecting one guy to actually like them if they aren’t pretty. I’m just glad I have Luke…

I sighed to myself as I started running, drowning out the world. My mom probably was calling me now but I turned up the music just to be on the safe side. My muscles burned a little after 10 minutes of running. 

I couldn’t really hear but more or less feel the pounding on the stairs coming for me. I cringed slightly but kept running, listening to the music.

 Baby you light up my world like nobody else
The way that you flip your hair gets me overwhelmed
But when you smile at the ground it ain't hard to tell
You don't know oh oh
You don't know you're beautiful….

 I sang silently in my head, rolling my eyes the whole time. Such stupid song…

 “CHARLOTTE!” My mom screeched ripping my headphones from my ears. I winced, almost falling off the treadmill. She punched the off button and I nearly hit my head on the control panel.

 “What?” I asked looking up at her, clutching the side bars so I didn’t fall. She raised her eyebrows dropping my i-pod to the ground.

 “It’s lunch.” She said calmly. “Come upstairs and eat.” She said grabbing my arm and jerking my up.

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