Flawed Perfection Ch. 3

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:D I hope I did this one good. I was going to include the date but I thought it'd be a little too much. Enjoy. The picture is of Luke.


"When I see your face. There's not a thing that I would change. 'Cause you're amazing. Just the way you are." 

I jerked awake from my terrifying nightmare looking at my phone. It was a text from Luke. He actually set my ringtone to Just the Way You Are. He said it was to always remind me of how beautiful I am. Lies. I picked it up and opened it. 

Morning Char. X 

I stared at it. Whenever he texts me morning I'm normally awake for a few hours at least. Looking at the clock, I realize it's 9:00 a.m. That's not possible. I always wake up between 6:30 and 7:00. No matter what. I sat up before remembering I should probably respond.

:) Morning Luke. X

I sighed. Must've had to do with that nightmare. Setting my phone back on my nightstand I got up and went to the bathroom to get ready. I'm glad it's Saturday. I can't handle dance today. Squirting the toothpaste on my brush I started scrubbing. What to do today? I suppose I could call some friends over. Or possibly have a day with Luke. Who was I kidding? I needed to start my plan.

I spit in the sink and grabbed my brush. Luckily it isn't that hard to brush my hair. It's just straight strawberry blonde. That was probably the only thing I like about myself. My hair. Well maybe my eyes. They were a sparkly bright green with dark green around the pupil. I sighed and walked out of the bathroom.

Dan walked up the stairs, probably to tell me breakfast was ready. "Hey Charlotte." he said smiling and gave me a morning hug. "Mom said breakfast is ready. Why are you up so late?" he asked examining me as though I had a sign on my forehead to explain why. I laughed and ruffled his hair.

"I dunno. Must've had a nightmare or something." I told him smiling. He frowned. 

"You had a nightmare?" he asked sounding worried. He looked like a sad puppy. It's so nice how Dan is always worried about me. I smiled almost laughing.

"It's fine." I said and he bit his lip. "Really." I assured him. Dan shrugged.

"Well breakfast is ready." he said and ran down the stairs. I rolled my eyes and walked into my room. My phone lit up playing my ringtone saying I had another text. I picked it up and looked at it.

You wanna hang out later? X 

I smiled. Luke was always like that. I'd been dating him for two years and he was still so sweet. 

Sure. You say around 3? X

I tossed my phone on my bed and grabbed a pair of shorts and a tank top. 

"When I see your face. There's not a-" I grabbed my phone and looked at it still pulling my shirt over my head.

:) Great. I'll pick you up. We decide along the way. X

I laughed. "You always do that." I said out loud. 

Ok. Gtg breakfast. X

 Sliding my phone in my pocket before turning the sound off, I walked out my bedroom door and downstairs for breakfast.

"Morning Sweetie." Dad said as I sat down. He looked up from the paper and smiled before diving back into the news.

I turned to look at Mom who was coming through the door way in an apron carrying a plate of eggs and a plate of bacon. I almost wrinkled my nose in disgust. Bacon? There's no way I could eat that. It's greasy and full of calories. She set the plates down on the table.

"Breakfast." she said warmly and wiped her hands on her apron. Dan and dad dug in while I patiently waited for them to grab most of the food. That way I had an excuse to not eat as much. Mom walked back into the kitchen to hang her apron up. I watched as Dad and Dan finished getting there food. There was enough left for both mom and me to get some pretty healthy sized portions.

"Dig in Charlotte." Mom said taking the spoon and dishing some eggs on her plate. I glanced at the bacon. There was enough for both of us to have two pieces each. 

"You can have my bacon." I told Dan and put my pieces on his plate. Mom raised an eyebrow, but I ignored it putting some eggs on my plate. I stared at them. They seemed like they were staring back at me. All yellow and white. Scrambled, taunting me. I shook my head and put some on my fork and ate it quickly so I didn't have to taste it.

My mom was watching me so I ate a bigger bite. Dan and dad were talking about some movie that Dan couldn't see. They were arguing about it so mom jumped in to break it up. I finished my eggs quickly.

"Done. I'm going out today." I said standing up and taking my plate to the kitchen before anyone had finished.

"Ok!" Mom called. "Be back in time for lunch." she said. I rolled my eyes and walked up the stairs.

Yeah, sorry mom. I'll just pretend I forgot and skip lunch. I told myself as I walked to the front door. It was a nice day out. Perfect for running. Which is exactly what I planned to do. I pulled on my tennis shoes and glanced out the window. It wasn't too sunny and there were some clouds in the air. I saw a few kids riding on some bikes, and they had happy smiling faces.

I opened the door and grinned when a breeze blew. Starting at a jog I looked at my phone. It's 10:00. So that means I have 3-4 hours to run depending on how long I want to. I alternated between running and jogging as  I went around my neighborhood a few times, and up to the park and back. A few fellow joggers waved to me and some people walking there dogs tried to control them. I smiled and kept on running.

Panting and hunched over getting my breath, I looked at my phone. 2:30. Wow I still need to shower and get ready. I ran inside ignoring my mom's calls of "You missed lunch!" 

Up the stairs and into my room. I dashed into the bathroom and took a quick cold shower not having time to react to the freezing temperature. Running back to my room in my robe, I stole a quick glance at the hall clock. 2:45. I had 15 minutes to find something to wear and put on some make up. 

I practically upturned all my drawers looking for something nice to wear. Ah this will work. A nice short sleeved purple top with a pretty swirly spiral design on it and my favorite pair of dark skinny jeans. They were such a dark blue they looked almost black. I smiled and put them on quickly slipping on my black converse.


I sat down at my desk pulling my small mirror over. Applying some eyeshadow and eyeliner I heard a car honk. He must be a little early. I quickly put on some lip gloss and a touch of blush. My hair. I forgot to blow dry my hair. Sighing I ran the brush through it. I'll just have to leave it damp.

The car honked again. God Luke. I'm sorry I kept you waiting so I could look good. A purple purse was slung on a hook. I grabbed it stuffing my phone and wallet in. Racing out down the stairs and through the front door trying not to trip my mom is calling out to me. 

"Charlotte! You forgot lunch." she called. I put on a fake smile and turned around.

"Sorry mom I forgot." I lied. "I'll eat later." 

"Don't worry Mrs. Jarrel!" Luke called. "I'll take her out for something." 

I turned to look at Luke. He grinned at me before looking back at my mom.

"Ok." she said from the doorway. "Make sure you guys stay safe!" she said as I climbed in next to Luke.

"We will!" I yelled shutting the door and buckling my seat belt. We waved and he pulled out of the drive way.

"Guess we'll go eat first." He said giving me a quick kiss on the cheek before gluing his eyes to the road. I tried not to look put out. He didn't know about my new diet.


I hope you liked it :D *huggles Charlotte* I know you still haven't gotten real sick but I feel so bad for you.

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