Part 5

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Part 5: -

Alexis’ POV

I was on my way to London, via train. I’ll admit I was scared, especially with coming face to face with Conor. We last saw each other two days ago when he inadvertently apologised. Now knowing his reasons for being a prissy bitch, it made me question everything. However, the only thing I care about is Conor seeing his child. He needed that bond and I didn’t care about the paparazzi finding out. I know it might make Conor lose fans but if they don’t support Conor because he has a child then, sorry to say, they weren’t really true fans in the first place.

    A guy sat down next to me on the train. I will admit to being scared because his face was covered up with a dark hoodie. However, I was also nervous because he sat down next to me and there was plenty of other seats available.

“So cutie, what’s your name?” He asked in my direction.

“Joanne” First lie.

“Cute name, babe. So where you heading?”

“London” First truth.

“Maybe I’ll see you around, cutting”

“Maybe you won’t, London is a large place” I said shrugging.

“I’ll always remember those eyes babe. Lovely shade of brown they are,” He said creepily.

“Sure ya will” I retorted. I had my brown contacts in so Braden couldn’t recognise me. It was awkward being around him but I knew I had to be careful.  Especially with me being pregnant.

“Oh, I will remember them sweetheart. So what age are you?” He then inquired.

“17, yourself?” Second lie, so far. I felt proud of myself for the lies I’ve been able to produce.

“Oh lookie, we’re 3 years apart. I’m 20, soon to be 21” He exclaimed happily.

“Nice” I said nonchalantly. I wasn’t interested in his life, I wasn’t even interested in the life I was creating for myself.

“So Joanne, who you visiting in London?” He asked, probing further into my life.

“My brother and my unborn child’s father, yourself?” Lie three.

“My family”

“Nice, so what’s your name?” I then asked. I know what you’re thinking ‘why didn’t you ask him that first?’ but I forgot. Pregnancy brain is already getting the better of me.

“I’m Braden Matthews and your worst nightmare, Alexis” He spat. Wait, what?  How did he know?

“Who is this Alexis you speak of?” I asked dazed.

“Don’t play dumb, you know who I’m on about”

“I can’t say I do. I’ve never heard of anyone called Alexis”

“You were the one who put me in jail for a few years because I apparently beat you up when it’s complete and utter bullshit”

“I’m sorry; I have no idea as to whom you’re going on about. Now if you’ll excuse me, this is my stop,” I said as I got off my seat.

“I will find you Lexi,” He threatened. I just shook my head and left the train. His words cut into me like a knife, which had just been plunged into my back.

  I quickly ran out the train station, in hope of finding either Anth or Conor. I needed one of them right now. I know Jack would’ve been the better option since he knows everything that happened but he was miles away. I frantically paced back and forth in front of the train station in hope and desperation. I needed them.

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