Part 13

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Part 13: -

Alexis' POV

Sitting here in the hospital, felt awkward and annoying. It was awkward because Alexis was here. She was literally eyeing everyone up and down but mainly pulling daggers towards me. I ignored her though, I just literally couldn't handle her right now, not while my boyfriend - and daughter's father - was lying in a hospital bed.

"Mr Maynard's family," A nurse shouted. Helen stood up, followed by Jack after her. I wasn't the only one feeling the strain on having people in the hospital, Helen was too. However, as Jack was passing me to follow his mum, he held a hand out for me too. However, I couldn't go, I wasn't family. I was only slightly part of the family, due to Lauryn. Instead of taking Jack's hand, I shook my head.

"Lex, you need to come. You're Conor's girlfriend and the mother to his child. You need to know what's going on with Conor, because you need to be able to protect Lauryn, if she needs protected from whatever it is he's got" Jack spoke.

"Jack, I'm not family. Lauryn is, but I'm not. It's that simple," I stated simply.

"Mum, help me here" Jack sighed. I knew it was no use fighting with Helen, but you're not allowed to know information on a patient if you're not family, and I'm not.

"Lex, you have the right to know everything about Conor as well. Especially since you're the mother of his daughter. Jack's right in what he said, you have the authority to know. And that's because you're the mother of his daughter, and rightfully said, his girlfriend. Give me Lauryn and Jack will help you through" Helen said softly, taking Lauryn from me. Lauryn was the only thing I clung to when we arrived here. I had to make sure she was all right before I made sure myself was all right. I'm sure that this talking between Jack and I, wasn't really having a knock-on effect on Alexis, because I'm pretty sure she was sitting there with her face stuck in a scowl. However, I did not care one little bit. She was a bitch and a slut, and that was that.

Eventually, I followed Jack and Helen through to the relative's room where the nurse was waiting. I was scared of what was going to happen, I really was. I was scared in case it came back and said that Conor was suffering from malaria or something. I'm literally just guessing here, but I doubt it would be malaria, especially when he's not been abroad or anything recently.

"So are you all members of the Maynard Family?" The nurse asked. We all nodded our heads in a yes formation, even though I technically wasn't. "So, both Mr Maynard's are seriously ill. Both have the sickness bug, but they have also been poisoned. However, the sickness bug was only induced because of the poisoning. Conor has faced the worst of it, as if it was done intentionally. What I'm going to ask next will seem absurd, but, do you know who would want to poison him like this?" She concluded.

"The only answer I have seems stupid but it's the only logical explanation I can think of," I muttered.

"And what may that be Miss?" The nurse asked.

"Miss Murphy, I'm Conor's girlfriend and the mother to Conor's daughter. But, the only simple explanation to this whole mess was, that his dad's meal was meant for me. Conor, Gary and I ordered the same thing from the menu, but I'm completely fine, and the only person I know who hated me yesterday, was my boyfriend's brother's girlfriend. Sorry Jack. But, she's done so much lately to try and make sure my life was a living hell and yesterday, she said to me that she'd do anything to take my daughter away from me" I explained.

"That is a weird explanation, but it could be logical. Do you know why she tried to hurt you?" The nurse probed.

"I can't put my finger on it, but to me personally, I think she's got something to do with my past," I admitted sheepishly.

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