Part 6

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Part 6: -

Alexis’ POV

It’s been 6 months past, already. Conor and I have been getting on a little better, slightly. We have our odd arguments here and there but we end up working them out. He’s been able to attend every doctor’s appointment I’ve had to know about the baby. We did also find out that I’m having a little girl. So, she’s definitely gonna be a daddy’s girl. My due date’s already passed and I’m getting anxious to meet her. Conor and I moved in together but we aren’t dating. We live in London, closer to the studio for Conor, Anth, unfortunately went back to Virginia. He was homesick. My brother’s slightly calmed down since I’m a little more closer to home than I was in Sunderland. However, George would love me to be right at home, in Brighton.

   Jack has a girlfriend called - coincidentally - Alexis, it’s so annoying though. Like when Jack’s here with her, and he’s talking with her and he says Lexi or Alexis, I feel like he’s talking to me but nope, I’m shoved to the side. It’s as if he’s infatuated with her. I’m meant to be his best friend but it’s as if I don’t exist. It’s as if I don’t belong in his life anymore. The other Alexis is best friend. It pains me to see him like that, you know, all happy but it’s not including me. Conor tries to make things seem peachy but somehow it’s not working. I think it might just be the strain of being pregnant and not having a clue as to when she’s gonna be here. We haven’t decided on a name because it would cause arguments. I think we’re just gonna do it when she’s born.

   The paparazzi know I’m pregnant and they’re having a field day with it. Claiming Conor and I are together, saying that I’m some stupid little girl who won’t handle her child well and all these other things. My phone has blown up from my friends and from my family but I kicked those rumours to the ground. It just annoyed me seeing so many rumours about myself in the papers and none of it was true. Conor told me to ignore it but I couldn’t, it annoyed the crap out of me. Unfortunately, they know my real name so trying to hide from them isn’t gonna be easy. However, how they found my name out, I’ll never know.

“Lex, your parents are coming down. My parents are on their way too” Conor said while entering my room.

“Why they coming?” I groaned. It wasn’t that I hated my family, I was just too irritable.

“They wanna see you and they wanna be here for when the baby’s born. Are you sure we have the right date for when she’s mean to be here?”

“Yeah, it was October twentieth. I remember it correctly. What date is it?”

“October twenty second, I think we might need to phone the midwife”

“Conor, she’s obviously not ready to come yet. Let’s just give her time. I know there’s a possibility of things going wrong but just give her time. I don’t like this myself but I want it to be natural,” I said irritated.

“Lex, when was the last time you stood up?”

“Like two hours ago, why?”

“Just wondering because you have crumbs everywhere on your bed,” He laughed.

“Ugh, help me up so I can clear the mess. I feel so fat though,” I groaned.

“Lex, you are pregnant so it’s expected” He smirked.

“I’d chase you if I had the energy but with this one pressing on my uterus it’s impossible to move properly”

“Lexi, you’ll get me with the sleepless nights so don’t worry” He laughed.

“Damn right I will. Ugh, I want her out but I want it done naturally” I groaned.

“Lex, calm down. I know you’re freaking out having missed your due date but babies are the ones who determine when they’re coming and obviously, she don’t wanna come just yet”

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