Part 19

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Part 19:-

Conor’s POV

Driving along the winding road towards the building was terrifying. Not knowing what’s going to happen or what state Lauryn’s going to be in, terrified us all. Not only were Lexi and I at the risk of losing our first child, but my mum and Honor were at risk of losing their first grandchild and their own children. Who knows what sort of breakdown Lexi and I would go through? I just keep hoping and praying that she’s alright and that nothing’s happened to her. I just don’t know how I’d be able to live with myself if she’s gone. It was my duty to protect her and I couldn’t. What kind of father would that make me? A rubbish one.  

    Pulling up in front of the run down house, my body went into overdrive. I just wanted to go in there and snatch my daughter back. I wanted to go in there and beat Alaina senseless. Along with the other cronies, she was associated with. I know her brother was the ringleader, we all suspected that. Especially when he was only after Lexi.

   The police told Lexi and I to stay outside, while they scoped the place out. However, we were defiant. We followed behind them. We needed to know, and we needed to know now. Our lives depended on finding out whether or not she was safe.

“I’m terrified,” Lexi whispered.

“I think we all are,” I responded.

“What if…?”

“Don’t think like that, Lex. It’s not healthy, especially when we’re just centimetres from finding out.”

“I know but being here, it’s making me think unruly things. I can’t be doing with this. I really can’t, I just want her back. I need her back,” Lexi whined. “I just -,”

“Well, well, well, look what the cat dragged in,” Alaina’s taunting voice rung out.

    Lexi stiffened up beside me. I knew she was thinking he same thing. Because as Alaina’s voice rung out, she stepped forward with Lauryn in her arms. And as expected, Lauryn was wriggling about like nothing else. I knew she was uncomfortable in someone else’s arms. It’s been evident since day 1, when they nurses tried to pick her up but she wouldn’t settle. She only settled in Lexi’s arms and then mine. No one fully understands why she does that but she does.

“Give her back, Alaina,” Lexi pleaded.

“Give me my brother then,” Alaina retaliated.

“He’s in a police cell, Alaina,” I commented.

“And whose fault is that then, Conor?” Alaina asked.

“Um, his own. He’s the one who taunted and teased Lexi in the park. And he’s the one who passed out by a simple ball hold. You don’t even know what happened that day so don’t even bother trying to explain your brothers actions. When you quite clearly knew of his plan,” I ranted.

“You’re right, I knew of his plan. And I also knew I had to worm my way into your lives somehow and I was just lucky your brother was vulnerable. Especially because sweet dear Alexis got pregnant. You see, that night, 11 months ago, I was at your party, Conor. I was the one who got you both drunk so you’d get together. Then I’d also get a vulnerable Jack drunk and voila, I’d be able to worm my way in,” Alaina stated. “I’m also the one who hid all the condoms in your house, just so sweet Lexikins couldn’t get with anyone else, she’d be bound to you for life. Because, then we’d always know where she was and who she’s around,” She smiled evilly.

“You’re sadistic,” Lexi spat.

“No, my plan worked. Because, now you’re stuck with a child for the rest of your life. And with someone you don’t particularly love,” Alaina replied nonchalantly.

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