23. Love You (again)

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I come to realize that the person I heard while asleep being kicked out of the room was Lance. I wanted to see him but the nurses thought it was best to move me to a room before seeing him. So after checking my vitals and finding that I was okay they moved me to a room by myself. My room was off white like all hospital rooms with and like all hospitals it was freezing. I shivered as I sat up awkwardly. I had two sprained ankles, a broken wrist, and my shoulder had to be placed which I imagine would have hurt if I had been awake for it. When I heard my door open I slowly looked over and saw him.

His hair was tousled but not in a sexy post make-out way but a not slept in days way. His clothes were the same from that night, the last one I was awake and he has huge dark circles under her eyes. His eyes took in my form trying to assess how damaged I was. He walked closer but did not touch me I assume he was scared he would hurt me.

"How are you feeling?" His voice was the same beautiful sound I remembered it to be. Holding up my broken arm for him to see I smiled slightly.

"I have seen better days." I laughed and saw the hard mask that was his face crack and a small smile appear. Sitting down beside me he took me in and as his eyes landed on my stomach I blushed. "How is everyone?" I asked folding my arms over my abdomen.

"Worried about you," he said letting his eyes linger on my middle. "Can I- I mean if it isn't too weird- could I listen to the heartbeat?" Mulling it over in my head I nodded. Keeping eye connect with me he slowly lowered his head so that his ear was pressed against my stomach. I closed my eyes and relaxed as he listened to our unborn child's heartbeat.


When we were all allowed into Leah's room we crowded around her asking her if there was anything she wanted. Of course her first requests were for some fuzzy socks and blankets to calm her chills and food to fill her stomach. She wanted some doughnuts so with Lance wrapped around her little finger he was off to the closest Krespy Kreme.

"How are you, Lena?" She asked her eyes turning to me.

"I was scared for you," I replied and my vision started to blur. All my feelings of pain and worry came up and opening her arms Leah and I held each other letting our emotions out together.

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