17. Late

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We moved to my room.  We had been sitting on my bed for at least an hour where all I said was spill.  She has yet to tell me what was the worst part.  I wanted to know so bad but from her hyperventilating state I thought maybe if I gave her a chance to calm down she would tell me what was the matter.  After an hour of it I was so tired of it and grabbed her by the shoulders and shook her.

                “Leah!”  I said causing her to shrink back in fear. 

                “Y-yes,” she stuttered at me. 

                “Tell me honey,” I said without raising my voice at her and looking her in the eyes coaxing out the secret. 

                “It’s just... I mean I haven’t-“ she stopped and took a deep breath before opening her mouth to continue.  Before she could say what I had been waiting to hear my phone started ringing.  “You can get that.” She said smiling slightly. 

                Sighing I picked up the phone answering it.  “Hello,” I said into the receiver not even looking at the name upon the screen.

                “Lena!”  It was Lance.  Leah could hear him shout my name through the phone and her head shoot up.   Her head shook slightly and I knew that was her way of begging.  Begging me not to say a thing about this. 

                “Lance I’m kind of busy right now so I can call you back—”

                “No!  I need you!”  His voice sounded weird slurred. 

                “Where are you?  And why do you need me?”

                “I just—” then I heard a thump as if he fell over.

                “Lance?”  No answer, Leah was sitting straight up and her eyes were glued to my face.  “Lance!” 

                I waited what felt like hours but in all reality was just a couple seconds for someone to tell me what the fuck was going on.  “Hello?”

                “Who the hell is this?”  I asked with venom laced in my voice.  No one messes with my twin brother.

                “I’m the guy who’s going to tell you where to pick up your friend.”  The guy sounded calm and collected.  He had a mellow kind of voice and sounded older than us.

                “Okay just tell me where I can get my brother and please tell me what is wrong with him?”  I asked all nice now because I need my brother back.

                “4901 East Englewood Blvd.”

                “Is that in JC?”  I asked trying to think of my way around.  Lucky thing there is a thing called GPS because without it I wouldn’t ever make it anywhere.

                “Yeah it’s in JC and your brother is drunk off his ass.  Passed out and most likely will be that way for the rest of the night.”

                “Okay, okay, I’m on my way to get him.”  I didn’t get an answer.  Looking down at my phone I saw that he had already hung up.  Rude Ass, I thought to myself.

                “Leah, Lance is passed out drunk at some guy’s house and I’m going to go get him.  You want to come?”  She nodded running to the closet and dawning on some clothes.  Despite getting dressed in about two minutes she still looked amazing.  Just a tank top and shorts her hair down long. 

                “Hurry up!”  She said the second she got out of the car.  I rolled my eyes and followed her into the house.  There was a party going on but it was still in the early ages it only being 11.  Lucky thing Leah was with me because I stood there looking around not knowing where to go or who to ask but she ran right for a tall man near the center of the room.  He was at least 6’3 with deep brown curls and golden eyes.  He was definitely a were but of which type I couldn’t tell from this far away.  Leah made it to him about 30 seconds before I did just taking him in from behind.  When I got there she tapped him on the shoulder and waited for him to turn.

                “What the fuck do you want?”  He asked turning and then stopped looking Leah and I over.  “Umm I mean what can I help you with?”  He asked looking Leah over again and smiling slightly. 

                “You the guy on the phone?”  Leah asked without acknowledging his obvious admiration. 

                “Ummm maybe?”  He asked clearly confused. 

                “We are here for the body?”  His eyes widened in surprise and his mouth opened and closed stupidly.

                “Hahahaha I got you!  You’re so easy!”  The guy flushed embarrassed by her prank.  “Yeah but for real we are here for the drunk guy.” 

                “Oh, that body, haha okay.  Yeah I put him in my room, follow me.”  The guy started walking and after an eye wide glance from Leah which in girl language meant look at the major hottie, we followed.  Leah walked behind obviously staring at the guy’s butt whose name was still unknown.  He led us up a flight of stairs and down a long hallway.  “So what are you?”  He asked without looking back at us.

                “I’m a hunter and she’s a lion.  What are you?”  Leah answered.

                “I am a lion too,” he told her.  When we got to the end of the hallway he opened the door and there laying in the king side bed that occupied much of the room.  “You like my bed?  It looks a lot more appealing without the drunken passed lion in it.”  He smiled at Leah winking.  “But I’m sure with you in it it will look loads better.” 

                “I’m sure it would,” Leah said looking at him giving her award winning smile.  “Would you mind loading him into our car?  He looks pretty heavy.”  To show off his muscles the guy picked up Lance and slung him over his shoulder.  Then he did as Leah asked and deposited Lance into the backseat of my car.  When Lance was safely secure in the backseat, the guy turned toward us.  Or should I say he turned toward Leah. 

                “When will I see you again?”  He was smiling that crooked little smile guys do that set girls hearts on fire.    

                “How the hell am I supposed to know?  Do I look like God?”  When he started to look dumbfounded, she smiled easing his mind.  “Let’s say the next time you’ll see me is when you come looking.”  Then she leaned up and gave him a soft kiss on the cheek before getting in the car. 

                When we got back to my house Leah helped me get Lance into the house.  The couch was as far as we could get him.  Then Leah tried to run for it.  “No sir,” I said grabbing her by the hand and dragging her up the stairs to my room. 

                “Lena I can’t be here.  I’m not ready to see Lance.  Not yet, I need time.”  She looked me in the eyes begging me to understand.  I smiled at her and nodded. 

                “I understand and I will let you leave I just want you to tell me what you were supposed to earlier.”  She shook her head tears springing to her eyes.  “Tell me, Leah.”

                “Fine!  You want to know?  Okay I’ll tell you the big secret.”  She took a deep breath and the next words she spoke were in a rush.  “I am late.  Two months late.”  Then she ran out the door. 

                I couldn’t believe it.  My best friend was late.  Could be expecting.  Expecting my twin brother’s baby.

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