2. High School

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It was my first day of high school. It had been less than a year since I had met Phillip; I hadn't seen him since that day though.

"Hurry up, Lena!" Lance, my twin, yelled from downstairs.  I looked In my full length mirror one last time before leaving my room.  I was wearing some tight jean shorts with a cute blue baby doll top. I also wore some matching blue wedges. My blonde mane was straightened down my back to my hip. My skin, like Lance's, was golden. We looked a lot alike actually.  We both had the same golden hair and skin, and the same bright blue eyes. I was around 5'6 without my heels but with them I stood at 5'10. Lance  was likely to get taller.than his already 5'9 height. We had two older brothers too. Jonas was eighteen with the same blue eyes but He had deep brown hair. Ron was seventeen with brown eyes  and light brown hair. Jonas and Ron were in the 6 foot range. Jonas was a senior and Ron a junior. Phillip was the same age and grade as Ron. Though I wasn't allowed to think about him.

"Finally," Jonas said as Lance and I got into his car. Rolling my eyes I started reapplying some strawberry lip-gloss to my full lips.

"I'm nervous." Lance whispered to me but of course with lion hearing Jonas heard him.

"You have nothing to worry about. Lions are Kings and you know you are one of the three lion princes of this pride."

"But what about the wolves," I was somewhat worried myself. I looked up into Jonas's eyes through his review mirror.  There were three middle schools where I live.  One for humans, one for wolves, and one for lions. When high school starts they thrust us all together to make out high school. Of course the humans know nothing of this.

"Nothing to worry about. They won't touch either of you." He growled.  After a few minutes of silence Jonas spoke again. "Hey, you both need to catch a ride home with Ron. I have things to do." I rolled my eyes; Jonas was trying to break the silence because we already knew that.

I walked down the halls trying to blend and not appear like a freshmen. Lance was at my side, He was tall enough that we might appear older. I heard a whistle come from my right and my head whipped that way. There was a group of junior and senior guys staring at me. I gave them a soft smile and a wink.

"Hey, beautiful, what's your name?" Asked one of the taller ones.

"I'm Lena, and you are?"

"Not going to happen," Ron said coming forward and glared at the boys.  Then Jonas was there.

"Ron, did you already call deps?" Said the same guy from before.

"You can't call deps on me! I'm not an object!" The guy just winked at me.

"No I didn't call deps!" Ron yelled.

"That's our sister! So off limits!" Jonas told the group growling. Wow Ron and Jonas managed to embarrass me on the first day before the first bell even rang.

"That was interesting," A vaguely familiar voice said to my right. I turned to see Phillip causally leaning against lockers.

"Phillip!" Unsaid a faint smile breaking across my face.  He smiled in return opening his arms for a hug.

"I wondered what had happen to you after that day." He said as we ended our embrace.

"I got into a little trouble. Anyway how have you been?" A lot of trouble was more like it. I feel as if I just got off grounding.

"I've been good, so it's your first year in high school. You've already got the guys lining up!" I smiled at that blushing.

"Well, what scan I say? I'm quite the catch." I laugh at that.

"Yeah, you are." Wait, was He flirting with me? Couldn't be, right? "You've grown up a lot since the last time I saw you." Oh my goodness He was so flirting.

"Thanks," I was about to add something about how I was older in more than looks but another guy showed up.

"Who are you?" He asked and I smiled He must be a sibling of Phillip's.  They looked alike. This new guy was slightly shorter than Phillip's 6'7 height. He had coal black hair and forest green eyes, which differed from Phillip's blue ones. The new boy had a deeper voice but they both had strong jaws and were incredibly sexy.

"Lena, you?"

"Brandon," then He leaned forward into me. A human might think He was flirting but I knew the truth. He was sniffing me. I stepped back wrinkling my nose and said the first thing that came to mind, which is what always gets me into trouble.

"Don't smell me, you stupid dog!" He looked angry at that.

"Why you little, wait, you aren't a wolf? Or a human?" He turned to his brother with a disgusted face. "You were conversing with a filthy kitten?" I felt my face flush with anger. Kitten was a mean name for a lioness. Meaning that we were weak and of nothing important.  It was as bad as calling a wolf dog. So I guess I did start it. But something about Brandon infuriated me. I hissed and wanted to jump at him but Phillip stepped between us.

"Stop!" He said pushing us back. Jonas, Ron, and Lance were suddenly there.

"Don't touch our sister." Jonas roared

"You filthy dogs!" Rob yelled. The Pride was standing behind their princes.  And the pack was behind their soon-to-be-alpha.

"ENOUGH!" The principle said coming into the fight. Making all the humans leave she turned to us.

"Wolves go to class! Then together go lions! I better not hear of another fight breaking out for the rest of the year." We all left in search of our first classes. All the teachers in our school were either a wolf or lion. No human teachers. The principle,  Ms. Kingston,  was a lion but didn't sympathize. I had a bad first day.


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