4. My Mate?

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I remembered what happened after that day.  After Phillip and I’s kiss he tried contacting me.  My father and brothers wouldn’t allow it.  We soon decided to let it go because he was going to college and I was still in high school.  I hated that we didn’t give our relationship a try but we both decided that if neither of us had found our mates by the time I was in college we would try a real relationship.

Junior Year

I smiled to myself.  Happily I could drive myself to school now.  No more older brothers.  Just the twin who had his own car.  I twirled in my cute blue dress.  It went mid-thigh and was sleeveless.  I wore flowered wedges.  I had perfected my hair into ringlets.  Light make-up and shinny lip gloss.  

I put on some sunglasses before starting my blue Mustang GT.  Turning up the radio I sang along as I drove.  I pulled into the school parking lot parking my car and smiled at the gawking underclassmen.  Walking into the school I felt a sharp sensation go through me.  A pull to my left.  I looked over and saw the back of a tall muscular boy.  He had dark black hair and was turning and as if in slow motion met my eyes.  His green ones widened in shock and horror.  Mate.  My mate was so handsome, I’d always thought so.  But he was also mean, cruel, and most importantly not a lion.  Nor was he a human.  No, my mate was a wolf.

He broke eye contact first looking down the hall, at the roof, the floor, anywhere but at me.  I took the hint and walked off with my head held high.  I wasn’t going to let this bring me down.  Though it was really making me want to cry.  Guess who was in my first block?  If you thought, your mate, well then you were right.  Brandon sat down in the only sit left.  You guessed it again, if you said right beside me.  

Second block-Algebra II-mate

Third block-History-my twin

Fourth block-Creative Writing-nobody (thank God)

Fifth block-Biology-mate

Sixth block-Gym- both my brother and mate (this is going to be my favorite class)-note the sarcasm 

By the end of the day I was dying of tension.  I wanted my mate.  I needed my mate.  At least to speak to him.  

Of course this made me last.  Everyone else was already gone by the time I got to my locker.  


I made my way to my mate’s locker.  Seeing her there, alone, in that cute dress I felt warmth in my heart.  I had always felt something toward her I just knew it wouldn’t work out so I let it go.  Plus she had always favored my brother over me; I felt a pang of jealousy at that.  I came up behind her and when she suddenly turned to leave I backed her into her locker.  Her bright blue orbs widened with shock and passion.  Both of my hands were on the lockers beside her head.  My body pressed against hers.  

“Mate,” I growled at her and she just nodded.  I smiled at that.  No matter how mean I’d been to her in the past she would always be mine.  My eyes locked on her lips and then flickered back up to her eyes.  She had noticed that.  Suddenly her lips were on my neck.  I groaned as she kissed all the way up my neck.  Sucking and biting lightly.  I wanted her lips on mine though.  I lifted her chin up but she wouldn’t meet my lips.  “Don’t you want to kiss the real way?”  I asked smirking as she shivered.  It was my voice.  I had a really deep one.  Some girls liked it and some didn’t she obviously did like it.

“Nope,” she said popping the p and then getting out of my embrace.  I watched her leave in shock looking at her backside as she swung her hips.  “I just gave you something.  It’s payback for what you said at the party.”  Then giggling she ran out the doors of the school to her car.

After standing in stunned silence for a good minute or two I walked out.  Getting into my car I looked in my review mirror to see that the little minx had given me a bite mark.  It was already purple and huge.  I smirked I was totally going to get her back.  




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