7. It Was Over Before It Began

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Hey I was texted by an unknown number when I got home.  Frowning I typed back.

Hi who are you?


im a sexy guy… think of the hottest guy you know and im him Could it be Brandon?  I couldn’t ask because if it wasn’t then I was going to be in trouble.  

Do we share any classes?


Yeah we have a couple classes together


It was Brandon!  It had to be!  My heart burst with joy that my mate was texting me.  I lay down on my bed and typed something back.



Hey babe! What are you doing?

He called me babe.  Though most girls hate being called babe I happen to like it.  It was cute.

Lying on my bed texting you


I sat idly waiting for his text back while I saved his number into my phone as B <3 and making him his own ringtone.  I made it Both of Us, by B.O.B and Taylor Swift.  Suddenly Both of Us started playing throughout the room.  I picked it up frowning as B <3 popped up on the screen saying he was calling.  

“Hello?”  Why was he calling?

“Hi, beautiful,” his voice was so amazing.

“Brandon, why are you calling?”

 “I wanted to hear your sweet voice.”  He was so nice… now anyway.  I hadn’t forgotten the jerk off he’d been to me these past years though.  

“Hey, Bran, I have to tell you something important.”

“What’s up babe?” Oh, how I loved to hear him say that.

“I just wanted you to know that you’re cocky.  I’m your mate and would do anything for you but,” I took a deep breath to settle my racing heart.  “If you want to be my mate, if you want kisses and texts and calls I need something from you.  You’ve been mean to me ever since freshmen year and I deserve an apology.  But I don’t just want an ‘I’m sorry,’ I want a creative way for you to say it.  Something different and sweet and until I forgive you I’m sorry to say I will ignore you.”  I hung up and smiled.  I showed girl power!  I have always stood up for myself but against my mate, that was hard.  He didn’t call or text back and I smiled at that.  

Oath by Cher Lloyd blared through my room.  That was my best friend’s ringtone.  

“Hi, girly!”

“What’s up hun?  I haven’t heard from you in like three hours.  How’s school?  How’s your sexy brothers?  What’s up with that mate of yours?”  I rolled my eyes and filled her in on everything including the beginning of the year gossip.  Which happen to be that Jamie, the head human guy at school admitted to liking a girl.  He thought since it was senior year he should actually stop being such a man-whore.  I heard that the girl was Leah herself!

“No way, no way, no way!!! You’ve got to be kidding me!  Jamie, the Jamie, likes me!”  Leah was on speaker so I could paint my nails and my door was open making Lance think that was ok to stroll right in.

“Is that Leah I hear?”  Lance asked walking in and sitting on my bed.

“Hi, Lancer, dear!”  Leah and I were the only ones allowed to call him Lancer.

“Lea when are you coming back?  Lena is hard to handle without you to keep her on leash and collar.”

“Oh, honey, just tell it like it is.  I know you are the one that wants me to bring back the collar and leash.  I know you like it kinky.”  She then proceeded to meow into the phone.  Blushing Lance rose and left.  He shut the door behind him.

“You scared him off,” I told her to hear her laughter fill the line.  

“I was wondering how long it would take me.  At first I thought I was losing my touch.”  I rolled my eyes as we keep gossiping and talking boys like girls we were.  





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