3. Phillip and I

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It just got worse from there.  Brandon was my age so I’d have to put up with him for the next four years of my life.  He loved tormenting me.  From the glances he throws me, to the things he says, and even some pranks.  One time at the beginning of our sophomore year he filled my locker with water.  Though I didn’t mind because I didn’t have anything in it at that moment I DID mind that I got soaked.  He thought it was hilarious.  My brothers did not.  I was wearing a white t-shirt that day with a black lacy bra under it.  Phillip shed his shirt offering it to me putting a pout on Brandon’s face.  I gave a soft kiss to Phillip on his cheek for his help.

He loved to torture me and I feared my junior year even more every day.  Philip tried keeping his brother at bay but once junior year hit he would be gone.  Today I was going to my first high school party.  It was for graduates.  So that was Ron and Philip.  Graduates could invite people so Ron invited Lance and me.  

I was wearing a black dress that hit right above my knees.  Cute heals and my wavy hair curled.  I puckered my lips adding some blood red lip stick to complete my outfit.  

“Pulling a Taylor Swift?”  Lance asked with a smirk.

“I love Taylor so I’ll take that as a compliment.”  After that we were in the car driving to the site of the party.  Lance and I were younger than most soon-to-be-juniors.  We wouldn’t turn sixteen till the end of June.  So we wouldn’t be true werelions till our birthdays when we go through the change.  

The party is crowded with bodies everywhere bodies pressed against one another.  Drinks getting passed out and people dry humping in every corner and open room.  

“Not all that great is it?  Not my scene to tell you the truth.”

“I’m sure,” I said giving a smile to Philip.  

“Not really my brothers either.  He puts up a good act though doesn’t he?  He truly isn’t as bad as he acts.  He just lives up to expectations of what people think of him.”  I sighed.  It was always the same thing.  He wanted me to forgive his brother all the time.  Stating that he was good.  You just must look for it.  I didn’t believe it.  He was pure evil but I just nodded along acting as if I cared.  

“So, would you like to dance?”  He asked I smiled at that.

“Of course I would.”

We put our arms around each other and started to dance.  Phillip being so close brought up the feelings I had for him.  I wasn’t supposed to talk, look at, or even talk to him but I couldn’t help it.  Deep down I really liked Phillip.  I might even love him.  I hope we are mates.  No I changed my mind; I don’t want us to be mates.  If we were mates it would just cause so many problems and I didn’t want that to happen.  

“You know I like you Lena, right?”  His voice broke off my thoughts and I blushed at his words.

“I like you too.”  That was all he needed.  He softly put his lips on mine.  When I didn’t pull back he kissed me more thoroughly.   I smiled and leaned into the kiss.  I’d kissed people before but never a wolf.  Our lips moved in sync and mine parted in anticipation. Soon, too soon, he pulled away with a smile.    We were both left parched so he went to get us some drinks.

“I saw you.”  

“Well, I wasn’t exactly hiding.”  I snarled at Brandon.

“Stay away from my brother kitten.”  I growled at that.

“We are just friends,” Calm down, I told myself.  Kitten isn’t that bad.

“Sure, you are.  I know that you’re fucking.  Just know that my brother is leaving for school soon and then you won’t be able to sleep with him anymore.  I know you have others waiting on you but don’t be afraid to hit me up.”  He laughed but I was pissed.  “You’re just a slut, Kitten, how could you think my brother would ever want you for more than a good time.”

“You little prick!  How dare you speak to me that way!  I am not a slut!  Your brother and I are only friends.” Did friends kiss like we just did?  I’ve never kissed a friend before but I didn’t mention that.  “I’m better than you and don’t have to listen to this.”  I walked away holding in the tears.  Lance came over to me as I started to walk out the door.  

“Was it him?”  He knew that only Brandon could upset me so fast.  I turned to where Lance was staring to see Brandon looking this way smirking.  When he saw my face his smirk slipped for a second before he brought it back up.  He winked before turning away.  

Lance took me straight home and I cried myself to sleep.  Next year was going to suck so bad.





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